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发布时间:2019-05-23 13:11
【摘要】:大学排行活动是当今高等教育评价的一种主要形式,而大学排行榜指标体系的设计及其使用问题则是大学排行活动中的一个中心问题,也是社会各界关注和热议的一个焦点问题。可以说,大学排行榜在提升高等教育质量、引导学生择校、促进高校发展等方面发挥着重要的作用,但与之相应的却是,社会对各大学排行榜的质疑或争议也从未间断且越演越烈。本文将USNWR、THES和ARWU这三个极具代表性的大学排行榜指标体系作为比较对象,旨在分析世界代表性大学评价指标体系中的异同,并希望借此对我国相关大学排行指标体系的改进和对我国高等教育评价体系的完善起到一些促进作用。 本文主要内容分为四个部分:第一部分是大学排行指标体系比较研究的学理基础探究,在弄清指标体系的本质、基本构成、影响和介绍比较对象的基础上,找出支撑和展开论题研究的相关理论依据;第二部分是世界代表性大学排行指标体系的构型比较,主要从评价目标、评价标准和权重设置等方面来加以阐释;第三部分则从设计理念和设计原则两方面对三大大学排行榜进行了比较,为启示部分作好铺垫;第四部分是比较分析的结论,即合理化构型源于科学化设计理念、构型功效性受制于数据来源问题、构型稳定性显助于提高排行信度和增量构型差异性是重要发展趋势,以及这些结论对中国大学排行指标体系设计和改进的启示。
[Abstract]:University ranking activity is one of the main forms of higher education evaluation, and the design and use of university ranking index system is a central problem in university ranking activities. It is also a focus of attention and heated discussion from all walks of life. It can be said that the university ranking plays an important role in improving the quality of higher education, guiding students to choose schools, and promoting the development of colleges and universities, but accordingly, Social doubts or disputes over the ranking of universities have never stopped and become more and more intense. In this paper, USNWR,THES and ARWU, three representative university ranking index systems, are taken as the object of comparison, in order to analyze the similarities and differences in the evaluation index system of representative universities in the world. It is hoped that the improvement of the ranking index system of relevant universities in China and the improvement of the evaluation system of higher education in China will play a role in promoting the improvement of the ranking index system of relevant universities and the improvement of the evaluation system of higher education in China. The main content of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the theoretical basis of the comparative study of the university ranking index system, on the basis of understanding the essence, basic composition, influence and introduction of the comparative object of the index system. Find out the relevant theoretical basis for supporting and carrying out the research of the topic; The second part is the configuration comparison of the ranking index system of representative universities in the world, which is mainly explained from the aspects of evaluation objectives, evaluation standards and weight setting. The third part compares the ranking of the three universities from two aspects of design concept and design principle, which paves the way for the enlightenment part. The fourth part is the conclusion of comparative analysis, that is, the rational configuration originates from the scientific design concept, the configuration effectiveness is restricted by the problem of data source, and the configuration stability is obviously helpful to improve the ranking reliability and incremental configuration difference is an important development trend. And the enlightenment of these conclusions to the design and improvement of the ranking index system of Chinese universities.


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