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发布时间:2019-06-11 20:17
【摘要】:在知识经济时代,经济的发展离不开教育的发展,,尤其是近些年来,在高等教育快速发展的大背景下,高校之间的竞争越来越激烈。这种竞争实质上表现为高校之间人才及师资力量的竞争。留住人才,从而维持高校教师队伍的稳定,并竭尽所能激发教师工作的积极性和主动性正日益成为高校管理的核心命题之一。随着我国对教育问题重视度的提升,以及几次的高校内部管理体制的改革,目前一些高校和科研院所已经就如何对员工开展激励的问题进行了有关探讨,高校教师的待遇有所提高,高校教师的社会地位也相应提升,对提高高校办学质量、稳定教师队伍起到了一定的作用。除此之外,他们也尝试从实践角度建构激励机制。 作为欠发达省份的山西省,地处中国中部地区,省内的高校教育的发展受到经济因素的影响,在教师激励机制管理方面仍存在很多问题需要深入探讨,如仍缺乏对激励对象、激励时机、激励方法的系统研究,不能满足本省高校教师的高层次需要,致使当前相当一部分教师普遍存在着工作积极性不高的社会现实。在认识激励的针对性、社会性、整体性和连续性时不够深入和全面等。 为了解决这一系列的现实问题,本文选取山西省八所老牌高校作为研究对象,通过对其部分教师的调查研究,获取一手资料和二手资料,深入探索适合山西省高校教师激励的机制。论文第一章绪论介绍了本论文的研究背景,研究方法及研究内容,系统介绍了国内外针对高校教师激励机制的相关研究概况。第二章回顾梳理激励机制相关概念的界定及理论。第三章以山西大学、山西财经大学、太原理工大学,山西师范大学等高校为研究对象,结合问卷调查结果进行详细分析,并对山西省高校教师激励机制的效果进行分析。第四章全面论述了山西省高校激励机制现存问题及原因。第五章是通过对国外高校教师激励机制的借鉴,得到的对山西省高校教师激励机制构建的启示。第六章针对山西省高校教师激励机制存在的问题,构建了真正适合山西省高校教师发展的激励机制。
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the development of economy is inseparable from the development of education, especially in recent years, the competition between colleges and universities is becoming more and more intense in the background of the rapid development of higher education. This kind of competition is in essence the competition between the talents and the teachers' strength among the colleges and universities. To keep the talents, to maintain the stability of the teachers' team, and to make every effort to stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of the teachers' work is becoming one of the core propositions of the management of the university. With the improvement of the importance of education in our country and the reform of the internal management system of colleges and universities several times, some universities and research institutes have discussed how to stimulate the staff, and the treatment of the university teachers is improved. The social status of the university teachers is also improved, which plays a certain role in improving the quality of running the university and stabilizing the teaching staff. In addition, they also try to construct the incentive mechanism from the point of practice. As a Shanxi province in the less developed province, in the central part of China, the development of the university education in the province is influenced by the economic factors, and there are still many problems in the management of the teachers' incentive mechanism. The system research of the machine and the excitation method can't meet the high-level needs of the university teachers in the province, so that the current quite a part of the teachers have a low working enthusiasm. Real. Not in-depth and comprehensive in recognizing the targeted, social, integrity and continuity of incentives In order to solve this series of practical problems, this paper selects eight old-brand universities in Shanxi as the research object, and through the investigation and research of some of the teachers, the first hand and the second-hand information are obtained, and the motivation of the university teachers in Shanxi is explored in-depth. In the first chapter, the paper introduces the research background, the research method and the research contents of this paper, and introduces the relevant research on the incentive mechanism of the university teachers at home and abroad. The second chapter is to review the definition of the relevant concepts of the incentive mechanism The third chapter makes a detailed analysis of the results of the questionnaire and the effect of the incentive mechanism of the university teachers in Shanxi Province, taking the research objects of the University of Shanxi, the University of Shanxi and the University of Finance and Economics, the Taiyuan University of Technology and the Shanxi Normal University. The fourth chapter discusses the existing problems of the incentive mechanism of the university in Shanxi Province. The fifth chapter is to build up the incentive mechanism of the university teachers in Shanxi through the reference of the foreign teachers' incentive mechanism. The sixth chapter is aimed at the problems of the incentive mechanism of the university teachers in Shanxi province, and the development of the university teachers in Shanxi is constructed.


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