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发布时间:2019-06-11 21:18
【摘要】:随着高校扩招步伐的加快,高等教育体制改革的不断深入,高校贫困生数量的增加,高校贫困生上学问题己成为影响高校稳定、高等教育快速发展的重要因素之一。因此,我国为确保贫困生接受高等教育,保障特困生不因贫困而荒废学业,确保社会公平和教育机会均等,逐步建立完善的高校贫困生资助体系。 我国高校资助体系是以国家助学贷款、国家奖学金、国家助学金、国家励志奖学金、师范生免费教育、勤工助学、校内无息借款、校内奖助学金和特殊困难补等多种形式。新资助体系在实施的过程中,出现了一系列诚信问题,如:贫困生评选弄虚作假、评选过程中互相排挤、助学贷款中的骗贷、恶意逃贷获助后“变脸”,高消费资助金等。本文探讨了高校资助体系下诚信缺失的现象,分析诚信缺失的原因,提出诚信问题的解决方法和措施是本文研究的重点。 文章分三个部分,第一部分我国高校学生资助体系的综述,从我国高校学生资助制度的形成和发展,主要分析了我国高校资助体系的特征和变化。第二部分高校新资助下学生诚信问题及原因分析,从高校新资助体系实施过程,学生诚信缺失的主要表现,分析了新资助体系下诚信缺失的原因。第三部分高校新资助体系下诚信问题的解决方法和措施,从完善资助体系法律建设,加强制度建设,建立大学生诚信评价体系,加强大学生诚信教育等入手解决资助体系下的诚信问题。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, the deepening of the reform of higher education system and the increase of the number of poor students in colleges and universities, the problem of going to school for poor students in colleges and universities has become one of the important factors affecting the stability of colleges and universities and the rapid development of higher education. Therefore, in order to ensure the poor students to receive higher education, to ensure that the students with special difficulties do not abandon their studies because of poverty, to ensure social equity and equal educational opportunities, and to gradually establish a perfect financial aid system for poor college students. The financial aid system of colleges and universities in our country is in the form of national student loan, national scholarship, national grant, national motivational scholarship, free education of normal school students, hard work, interest-free loan in school, scholarship in school and special difficulty supplement, etc. In the process of implementing the new subsidy system, a series of integrity problems have appeared, such as fraud in the selection of poor students, crowding out each other in the selection process, cheating loans in student loans, "changing their faces" after malicious loan evasion, high consumption subsidies, and so on. This paper probes into the phenomenon of lack of honesty under the financial aid system of colleges and universities, analyzes the causes of the lack of honesty and credit, and puts forward that the solutions and measures to solve the problem of honesty and credit are the focus of this paper. The article is divided into three parts. The first part is a summary of the student financial aid system in colleges and universities in our country. From the formation and development of the student financial aid system in colleges and universities in our country, this paper mainly analyzes the characteristics and changes of the financial aid system in colleges and universities in our country. The second part analyzes the problems and causes of students' integrity under the new financial aid system in colleges and universities, and analyzes the reasons for the lack of integrity under the new subsidy system from the implementation process of the new subsidy system and the main manifestations of students' lack of integrity. The third part is to solve the problem of honesty and credit under the new subsidy system of colleges and universities, such as perfecting the legal construction of the financial aid system, strengthening the system construction, establishing the evaluation system of college students' honesty and credit, strengthening the honesty education of college students, and so on.


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