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发布时间:2019-06-12 05:06
【摘要】:吴贻芳(1893-1985),是我国近代著名的爱国女教育家,毕生致力于中国的高等教育事业,尤其是为中国女子高等教育事业做出卓越贡献。吴贻芳自1928年担任金陵女子大学校长,先后掌校长达23年,成为中国第一位女大学校长,将金陵女子大学发展成为一所蜚声国内外的女子大学。吴贻芳在长期的教育实践中形成了自己深刻独特的办学观、人才培养观、学生管理观、教学管理观等高等教育思想。研究吴贻芳的高等教育思想不仅对深化我国近代高等教育史的研究有重要意义,而且为当前我国高等教育的发展提供一些有价值的借鉴。 全文共分为五个部分。第一部分是引言:主要介绍了本论文的研究缘由、研究综述、研究思路和研究方法;第二部分主要分析了吴贻芳高等教育思想形成的背景,主要从社会背景和个人教育实践经历两方面进行分析,为进一步分析吴贻芳高等教育思想奠定基础;第三部分主要是全面梳理和分析吴贻芳高等教育思想内容,包括“培养健全人格,造福社会”的办学观、“博专兼顾、全面发展”的人才培养观、“尊重差异,以生为本”的学生管理观、“刚性与弹性并重”的教学管理观等方面的思想观点;第四部分主要是对吴贻芳的高等教育思想进行实事求是的客观评价,包括积极方面与争议之处两方面。最后一部分是结语,对全文进行概括总结。
[Abstract]:Wu Yifang (1893 / 1985), a famous patriotic female educator in modern China, devoted his life to the cause of higher education in China, especially to the cause of higher education for Chinese women. Wu Yifang has been president of Jinling Women's University since 1928 and has been in charge for 23 years. He has become the first female university president in China and developed Jinling Women's University into a well-known women's university at home and abroad. In the long-term educational practice, Wu Yifang has formed his own profound and unique view of higher education, such as the view of running schools, the view of talent training, the view of student management, the view of teaching management and so on. The study of Wu Yifang's thought of higher education is not only of great significance to deepening the study of the history of modern higher education in China, but also provides some valuable references for the development of higher education in China at present. The full text is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction: it mainly introduces the research reasons, research summary, research ideas and research methods of this paper. The second part mainly analyzes the background of the formation of Wu Yifang's higher education thought, mainly from two aspects of social background and personal education practice experience, which lays the foundation for further analysis of Wu Yifang's higher education thought. The third part mainly combs and analyzes the content of Wu Yifang's thought of higher education, including the view of "cultivating sound personality for the benefit of society", the view of talent training of "taking into account all-round development", the view of "respecting differences, student management based on student", and the view of teaching management of "paying equal attention to rigidity and elasticity". The fourth part is the objective evaluation of Wu Yifang's thought of higher education, including positive aspects and controversial aspects. The last part is the conclusion, which summarizes the full text.


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