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发布时间:2019-06-12 06:29
【摘要】:当今世界,全球政治格局的风云变化,世界经济、科技的快速发展,对我国高等教育改革造成了巨大的影响。特别是大学本科通识教育改革,如何适应当前的国际国内形势,如何满足多元化的社会需求,如何优化通识教育的课程设置,都成为教育界人士日益重视的问题。本文从社会需求的角度,通过对我国的大学本科通识教育的历史发展研究,和我国大学通识教育课程方面的现状分析,找出当前我国大学本科通识教育课程设置存在的问题和原因。并且,从通识教育的通识教育课程目标、课程内容、课程结构和管理机制等方而,提出了可供参考的建议。本文主要分成绪论部分和其它三个部分: 绪论部分:主要内容以阐述选题缘由、研究意义、文献综述、概念界定,以及研究的思路、内容和方法等。 第一部分:探寻问题部分。主要从通识教育课程目标、课程内容和课程结构这三个方面,简述了当前我国通识教育课程设置的现状,并分析了通识教育课程设置存在的问题。 第二部分:探寻原因部分。主要从我国通识教育及其课程的发展历程、社会需求的渐进性和多样化,以及高校自身因素这三个方面,分析了我国通识教育课程设置出现问题的主要原因。 第三部分:优化建议部分。从通识教育课程设置存在的问题的探究和原因的分析中,得到通识教育课程目标、课程内容、课程结构和管理机制等方面的启示,并提出合理的建议。
[Abstract]:In today's world, the changes of global political pattern, the rapid development of world economy and science and technology have had a great impact on the reform of higher education in China. In particular, the reform of undergraduate general education, how to adapt to the current international and domestic situation, how to meet the diversified social needs, how to optimize the curriculum of general education, have become increasingly important issues in the field of education. From the point of view of social demand, through the study of the historical development of undergraduate general education in our country and the analysis of the present situation of the curriculum of university general education in our country, this paper finds out the problems and reasons existing in the curriculum design of undergraduate general education in our country at present. Moreover, some suggestions are put forward from the aspects of general education curriculum objectives, curriculum content, curriculum structure and management mechanism. This paper is mainly divided into the introduction part and the other three parts: the introduction part: the main content is to explain the reason of the topic selection, research significance, literature review, concept definition, as well as the ideas, contents and methods of the study. The first part: explore the problem part. This paper briefly introduces the present situation of the curriculum design of general education in China from three aspects: the curriculum goal, the curriculum content and the curriculum structure of general education, and analyzes on the problems existing in the curriculum design of general education. The second part: explore the reason part. This paper mainly analyzes the main reasons for the problems in the curriculum of general education in China from three aspects: the development process of general education and its curriculum, the gradual and diversified social needs, and the factors of colleges and universities themselves. The third part: the optimization suggestion part. From the exploration of the problems existing in the curriculum design of general education and the analysis of the causes, this paper obtains the enlightenment from the curriculum objectives, curriculum content, curriculum structure and management mechanism of general education, and puts forward some reasonable suggestions.


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