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发布时间:2019-06-15 19:22
【摘要】:目的 基于计划行为理论,参照台湾版的《医患沟通行为影响因素研究量表》,修订形成本土化的《医学生医患沟通行为影响因素量表》,设计《医学生医患沟通行为影响因素问卷调查表》并进行现况调查,探讨医学生医患沟通技能与其行为态度、主观规范、认知行为控制之间的相关性;分析医学生医患沟通行为的影响因素,为医学教育与教学管理人员有针对性地制定提高医学生医患沟通技能的相关策略以及更好地提高临床教学质量提供科学依据。 方法 选取泰山医学院临床学院、人口与计划生育学院210名本科五年级实习学生作为研究对象,采用基于计划行为理论设计的《医学生医患沟通行为影响因素问卷调查表》进行横断面问卷调查。资料懫用SPSS18.0和AMOS7.0软件进行信度和效度分析,描述性分析和结构方程模式统计学处理。 结果 (1)基于计划行为理论,形成了医学生医患沟通行为影响因素的理论框架及《医学生医患沟通行为影响因素量表》,,包括“你对医生从事医患关系的信念如何”等9个维度,共50个条目,并采用李克特(Likert)7分来测量记分,(2)基于《医学生医患沟通行为影响因素量表》,设计《医学生医患沟通行为影响因素问卷调查表》并进行现况调查,研究结果表明:医学生医患关系及医生医疗行为保障对其医患沟通态度具有显著的正相关(标准化路径系数分别是0.461、0.431);医学生同侪、上级(领导)的影响以及专业伦理认知对其主观规范具有显著的正相关(标准化路径系数分别是0.290、0.317、0.206);医学生医患沟通态度、主观规范以及知觉行为控制对其医患沟通行为意图具有显著的正相关(标准化路径系数分别是0.480、0.520、0.169);医学生知觉行为控制对其医患沟通行为具有显著的负相关(标准化路径系数是-0.299);医学生医患沟通行为意图对其实际医患沟通行为具有显著的正相关(标准化路径系数是0.248)。 结论 (1)基于计划行为理论设计的本土化《医学生医患沟通行为影响因素问卷调查表》,并具有良好的信效度,可用于医学生医患沟通行为影响因素的研究; (2)医患关系及医生医疗行为信念正向影响医患沟通态度;同侪、上级、专业伦理认知正向影响主观规范;医患沟通态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制正向影响医患沟通行为意图;知觉行为控制负向影响医患沟通行为;医患沟通行为意图正向影响医患沟通行为。
[Abstract]:Objective based on the theory of planned behavior, referring to the Taiwan version of the scale of influencing factors of Doctor-patient Communication behavior, to revise the localized scale of influencing factors of Doctor-patient Communication behavior, to design the questionnaire of influencing factors of Medical students' Doctor-patient Communication behavior, and to explore the correlation between doctor-patient communication skills and their behavior attitude, subjective norms and cognitive behavior control. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of doctor-patient communication behavior of medical students, and provides scientific basis for medical education and teaching managers to formulate relevant strategies to improve doctor-patient communication skills and to improve the quality of clinical teaching. Methods 210 fifth grade interns from Taishan Medical College and School of population and Family Planning were selected as subjects. A cross-section questionnaire was designed based on planned behavior theory to investigate the influencing factors of doctor-patient communication behavior. Data SPSS18.0 and AMOS7.0 software were used for reliability and validity analysis, descriptive analysis and structural equation pattern statistics. Results (1) based on the theory of planned behavior, the theoretical framework of influencing factors of doctor-patient communication behavior of medical students and the scale of influencing factors of doctor-patient communication behavior were formed, including 9 dimensions, such as "how do you believe in doctor-patient relationship", with a total of 50 items, and the score was measured by Likert (Likert) 7 points. (2) based on the scale of influencing factors of Doctor-patient Communication behavior, A questionnaire on the influencing factors of doctor-patient communication behavior was designed and investigated. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between doctor-patient relationship and doctor-patient behavior security to their doctor-patient communication attitude (standardized path coefficients were 0.461 and 0.431, respectively). The influence of medical students' peers, superiors (leaders) and professional ethical cognition had significant positive correlation with their subjective norms (standardized path coefficients were 0.290, 0.317, 0.206, respectively), and doctor-patient communication attitudes, subjective norms and perceptual behavior control had significant positive correlation with their doctor-patient communication behavior intention (standardized path coefficients were 0.480, 0.520, 0.169, respectively). The perceived behavior control of medical students has a significant negative correlation with their doctor-patient communication behavior (standardized path coefficient is-0.299), and the intention of medical students' doctor-patient communication behavior has a significant positive correlation with their actual doctor-patient communication behavior (standardized path coefficient is 0.248). Conclusion (1) the localization questionnaire on the influencing factors of doctor-patient communication behavior based on planned behavior theory has good reliability and validity, which can be used to study the influencing factors of doctor-patient communication behavior. (2) the doctor-patient relationship and doctors' medical behavior belief positively affect the doctor-patient communication attitude, and the peer, superior and professional ethical cognition positively affects the subjective norms. Doctor-patient communication attitude, subjective norms and perceptual behavior control positively affect doctor-patient communication behavior intention; perceptual behavior control negatively affects doctor-patient communication behavior; doctor-patient communication behavior intention positively affects doctor-patient communication behavior.


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