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发布时间:2019-06-21 16:38
[Abstract]:Since the expansion of university enrollment in 1999, the scale of higher education has grown day by day. College students, as senior professionals trained by the state, the main force of new social science and technology and new trend of thought, are the pillars of social progress and play a key role in the development of culture. However, our country is still in the primary stage of socialism, and there are more and more difficulties in the employment of college students, the reasons are very complex. To solve the employment problem of college students, the government will promote the development of higher education in our country, so as to guide the better development of economy. The employment problem of college students is a difficult problem in China, even if it is a super problem all over the world. Jiangsu is a major educational and economic province in China, the number of graduates is increasing year by year, coupled with the fact that most of the Jiangsu graduates who graduated from colleges and universities in other provinces have come back for employment, a large number of graduates from other provinces have come to major cities in Jiangsu Province to find jobs, and the financial crisis has invaded the real economy of our province and disrupted the job market, which has caused the employment situation to be grim. It is necessary to study the operation mechanism of government function in the employment of college graduates. First of all, this paper obtains the basic situation of the number, major distribution and employment rate of college graduates in our province by consulting the data, and investigates the employment intention, the factors affecting employment, and the employment direction of different majors through questionnaires, interviews and so on. Secondly, the qualitative analysis of the above results, the employment situation and existing problems are analyzed and summarized, and it is emphasized that the government should take policy measures to improve the employment situation of college graduates in our province. Then, it briefly introduces the whole historical change of college students' employment policy in our country, studies three important historical development stages, and then studies the policies of college students' employment implementation in our province in detail, and points out the achievements and shortcomings. Then, drawing lessons from the successful employment policy of college students in major developed countries and the summary of their government function requirements, this paper sums up the successful policies and support of foreign major developed countries from three angles: promoting demand, supply and supply matching, and obtains enlightenment from these three angles. Finally, from the government and society, this paper puts forward some optimization and suggestions on the formulation, implementation, implementation and supervision of the current employment policy for college students in China. The completion of this paper has practical guiding value for government decision-making, and the Secretary provides reference for government decision-making.


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