发布时间:2017-12-31 06:40
本文关键词:黑龙江省普通高等教育结构研究 出处:《黑龙江大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 高等教育结构 层次结构 科类结构 布局结构 形式结构
【摘要】:进入21世纪,我国迎来了经济全球化和信息化时代的到来,社会对高等教育需求发生了深刻的变化,这种变化必将对高等教育系统的结构和功能提出更多、更高的要求。黑龙江省在进入21世纪后,,产业结构进行了优化和升级,经济增长方式由劳动密集型向资本密集型和知识密集型转变,对经济发展提出了新的目标。经济增长方式和产业结构的转变,必然对黑龙江省的高等教育在层次培养,专业设置,区域布局上提出新的、更高的要求。按照“十二五”规划提出的经济发展的新的目标和《黑龙江省中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》对高等教育发展提出的新的目标,对我省的普通高等教育结构做出相应的调整。 本文以可持续发展理论、生态化理论,系统理论和区域发展理论为研究基础,以定性研究和定量研究方法为主,对黑龙江省的普通高等教育结构进行了分析。首先分析了黑龙江省的高等教育结构的历史发展,并总结了黑龙江省的普通高等教育结构在历史发展过程中的变化规律;其次对黑龙江省的普通高等教育结构进行了现状分,并与全国的高等教育结构进行了比较,由此得出我省的普通高等教育结构发展失衡,在层次结构、科类结构、布局结构和形式结构上都存在一定的问题;最后分析了影响我省普通高等教育结构发展的因素,包括经济、政治等因素的影响,并在此研究的基础之上,探索构建“体系完整、层次协调、科类齐全、布局均衡”的高等教育结构体系。
[Abstract]:In 21th century, our country ushered in the arrival of economic globalization and information age, the social demand for higher education has undergone profound changes, this change will certainly put forward more structure and function of the higher education system. Since 21th century, the industrial structure of Heilongjiang Province has been optimized and upgraded, and the mode of economic growth has changed from labor-intensive to capital-intensive and knowledge-intensive. The transformation of economic growth mode and industrial structure is bound to put forward a new approach to higher education in Heilongjiang Province in the aspects of level training, specialty setting and regional layout. Higher requirements. New targets for economic development in accordance with the 12th Five-Year Plan and outline of the medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan of Heilongjiang Province 2010-2020). New goals for the development of higher education. To our province's general higher education structure to make the corresponding adjustment. This paper is based on the theory of sustainable development, ecological theory, system theory and regional development theory, with qualitative and quantitative research methods as the main research. This paper analyzes the structure of general higher education in Heilongjiang Province. Firstly, it analyzes the historical development of the structure of higher education in Heilongjiang Province. And summed up the general structure of higher education in Heilongjiang Province in the historical development of the law of change; Secondly, the paper points out the current situation of the structure of general higher education in Heilongjiang Province, and compares it with the structure of higher education in the whole country, and draws the conclusion that the development of the structure of ordinary higher education in our province is out of balance and in the hierarchy structure. There are some problems in family structure, layout structure and formal structure. Finally, it analyzes the factors that affect the development of higher education structure in our province, including economic, political and other factors, and on the basis of this study, it explores the construction of "complete system, coordination of levels, complete disciplines." The structural system of higher education with balanced distribution.
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