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  本文关键词:上海高校毕业生就业政策执行情况的调查研究 出处:《电子科技大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校毕业生 就业 政策执行 调查研究

【摘要】:随着中国高等教育不断由“精英教育”向“普及教育”转变,越来越多的人走进高校学习深造。与此同时,中国经济转型发展,劳动力市场供求不平衡,就业形势日趋严峻,就业问题已成为社会热点问题,关系到社会的和谐稳定。上海作为国家重点发展和建设的特大型现代化城市,对全国各地高校毕业生有着巨大吸引力。为缓解上海高校毕业生就业压力,上海市政府近年来出台了一系列政策以促进就业。深入研究毕业生就业政策执行情况,,总结政策执行得失,分析就业问题与就业政策执行之间的关系,探究影响就业政策执行的各项因素,有利于为政策制定提供现实依据,亦有利于就业政策的有效执行,对解决上海高校毕业生就业问题、促进上海高校毕业生就业有着十分重要的现实意义。 本文首先运用文献资料法,对上海高校毕业生就业政策及政策执行现状进行梳理,发现上海市政府出台的就业政策与高校就业指导措施对上海高校毕业生就业有着积极的促进作用,但从政策执行结果来看,仍存在着一些问题,如政策宣传不到位、沟通协调不畅、监督控制不力和效率低下等。笔者认为这些表面现象究其本质都反映了一个问题,即就业政策执行存在偏差的问题。鉴于此问题,本文拟从政策执行的角度开展研究,针对这一问题做出假设,并运用问卷调查法,以上海市高校毕业生就业政策执行情况为研究对象,对高校毕业生、高校就业指导中心教师和用人单位招聘负责人开展问卷调研。通过专业平台进行数据汇总、分析,比对基本假设与调研结果后得出结论,即就业政策的执行与政策认知度、政策执行主客体、政策执行机制和环境因素等有关。最后,本文针对这些影响就业政策执行的因素提出科学制定就业政策、完善就业政策执行机制、完善就业政策执行的评估体系等三点建议。希望通过上述建议,提升上海就业政策执行的有效性,从而逐步破解上海高校毕业生的就业难题。
[Abstract]:With the change of Chinese higher education from "elite education" to "universal education", more and more people go to colleges and universities to further their studies. At the same time, China's economic transformation and development, labor market supply and demand imbalance. The employment situation is becoming more and more serious, and the employment problem has become a hot issue in the society, which is related to the social harmony and stability. In order to alleviate the employment pressure of Shanghai college graduates, it has a great attraction to the graduates of colleges and universities all over the country. In recent years, Shanghai Municipal Government has issued a series of policies to promote employment. The implementation of graduate employment policy is studied in depth, the success and loss of policy implementation is summarized, and the relationship between employment problems and employment policy implementation is analyzed. Exploring the factors that affect the implementation of employment policy is conducive to providing a realistic basis for policy formulation, and also conducive to the effective implementation of employment policy, and to solve the employment problem of graduates in Shanghai. It is of great practical significance to promote the employment of college graduates in Shanghai. First of all, this paper uses the method of literature to sort out the current situation of employment policy and policy implementation of college graduates in Shanghai. It is found that the employment policy and employment guidance measures issued by the Shanghai Municipal Government have a positive role in promoting the employment of Shanghai college graduates, but from the results of the policy implementation, there are still some problems. For example, the policy propaganda is not in place, the communication coordination is not smooth, the supervision and control is weak and the efficiency is low and so on. In view of this problem, this paper intends to carry out a study from the perspective of policy implementation, make hypotheses in view of this problem, and use the questionnaire method. Taking the implementation of employment policy of Shanghai university graduates as the research object, the author carries out questionnaire investigation on university graduates, university employment guidance center teachers and employers' recruiters. The data are collected through professional platform. After comparing the basic assumptions with the research results, the author draws a conclusion that the implementation of employment policy is related to the degree of policy recognition, the subject and object of policy implementation, the mechanism of policy implementation and environmental factors. This paper puts forward three suggestions, such as making employment policy scientifically, perfecting the implementation mechanism of employment policy, and perfecting the evaluation system of employment policy implementation. Improve the effectiveness of the implementation of employment policies in Shanghai, and gradually solve the employment problems of Shanghai college graduates.


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