本文关键词: 国家控制 高校自治 平衡 政府适度宏观控制 大学积极有限自治 出处:《外交学院》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:国家控制和高校自治是一对永恒的矛盾,,高等教育历史发展的一个中心主题就是控制与自由的矛盾。大学自治一直被认为是大学最基本的特征,由于时代、大学自身发展的需要,世界各国都不同程度地推动高校自主权改革,旨在赋予高校更多的灵活性和发展空间。国家推动高校自主权改革,是否意味着国家对高校的“放任自流”?在改革中,国家和高校之间是什么关系呢? 本文从历史发展、现实意义的角度,分析了国家和高校自主权之间既相互对立又合理并存的关系,阐述了国家在高校自主权改革中发挥了引导、规划、提供资金、评估等宏观、非直接的作用。本文以2007年法国的高校自主权改革为例,选取了法国政府在改革中采取的重要措施,即资格审查、免税政策、财政扶持、评判体系改革,通过分析国家的相关政策、具体措施、取得的成果,证明国家在引导、提供资金、评估等宏观方面发挥了重大、积极的作用,国家并没有对高校“放任自流”,进一步证明了国家控制可以与自主权改革保持平衡关系,实现合理共存。 研究国家控制和高校自主权改革之间的关系具有重要的现实意义和指导意义,世界各国在今后的改革中,应理清国家和高校双方的权责,采取“政府适度宏观控制——大学积极有限自治”的模式,实现国家控制和高校自治之间的平衡,推动国家和大学之间的良性互动和和谐共存。
[Abstract]:State control and university autonomy are a pair of eternal contradictions. One of the central themes of the historical development of higher education is the contradiction between control and freedom. University autonomy has always been regarded as the most basic feature of the university, due to the times. In order to give universities more flexibility and space for development, the countries all over the world promote the reform of university autonomy in different degrees. The state promotes the reform of university autonomy. Does it mean the country's "letting go" of colleges and universities? What is the relationship between the state and universities in the reform? From the perspective of historical development and practical significance, this paper analyzes the relationship between the state and the autonomy of colleges and universities, and expounds that the state has played a leading and planning role in the reform of the autonomy of colleges and universities. This paper takes the reform of college autonomy in France in 2007 as an example, and selects the important measures adopted by the French government in the reform, namely qualification examination, tax exemption policy. Financial support, evaluation of the system of reform, through the analysis of national policies, specific measures, the results achieved, proved that the state in the guidance, funding, evaluation and other macro aspects played a significant and positive role. The fact that the state does not "let go" of colleges and universities further proves that state control can maintain a balanced relationship with the reform of autonomy and realize reasonable coexistence. It is of great practical significance and guiding significance to study the relationship between the state control and the reform of the autonomy of colleges and universities. The countries in the world should clarify the rights and responsibilities of the state and the universities in the future reform. By adopting the mode of "moderate macro government control-positive limited autonomy of university", the balance between state control and university autonomy is realized, and the benign interaction and harmonious coexistence between state and university are promoted.
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