本文关键词: 高校教师 量化考核 指标体系 出处:《华南理工大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:绩效考核是高校教师人力资源管理体系中的核心环节,也是人力资源管理中的重点与难点。高校教师在高等教育的发展中起着至关重要的作用,如何实现高校教师人力资源的优化配置已成为关系到中国高等教育质量的全局性问题,迫切需要一套适合我国高校体制特征的教师量化考核指标体系。 课题目的是通过探讨国内外在教师绩效考核方面的研究和实践,分析我国高校教师绩效考核的现状和不足,并研究造成该问题的根源及其对高校发展的影响。同时,借鉴国内外教育界绩效考核指标体系中的先进方法,并参考企事业单位、公务员等考核制度,对现行高校教师考核体系进行了分析,并针对其中存在的问题,探讨如何在设定考核指标、制定考核方案、确立考核主体、完善考核过程等方面进行优化,,从而构建科学合理的高校教师团队量化考核指标体系,进一步提高高校人力资源管理水平,实现高校与教师的共同发展。 论文首先针对国内外高校教师考核制度进行文献梳理,结合我国普通高校管理实际,分析教师绩效考核的现状;并着重对H校的“X工程”进行研究,分析其在高校教师团队管理中起到的积极作用以及尚需改进的地方。 论文重点研究了造成考核体系不完善的原因及其影响,并在此基础上研究适合我国高校教师团队管理的量化考核指标体系,通过文献搜集整理、调查问卷、访谈等方式获得了专家和一线教师的多维度意见,探索设计出适合我国高校教师量化考核的各项指标与权重,使得考核导向更有利于教师自身的成长以及有利于高校综合竞争力的提升。 论文还对考核体系的实施过程做了详细设计,通过对考核主体的培训、指标分级定义、误差应对等多种措施,确保该量化考核体系的准确、高效运作;为提高高校教师团队绩效管理水平、促进我国高校教师考核制度发展提供参考。
[Abstract]:Performance appraisal is the core of human resource management system of university teachers, human resource management is the key and difficult points. University teachers play a crucial role in the development of higher education, how to achieve the optimal allocation of human resources of colleges and universities has become a global problem related to the quality of higher education Chinese, the urgent need for a for the characteristics of our university system quantification assessment index system.
The purpose of the subject is the research and practice of domestic and foreign teachers of the performance evaluation, analysis of the current situation of College Teachers' performance appraisal in our country and the insufficiency, and study the causes of the problem and its influence on the development of universities. At the same time, draw lessons from domestic and international education sector performance appraisal refers to the advanced method in the index system, and refer to enterprises and institutions so, the civil service examination system, the evaluation system of teachers in Colleges and universities are analyzed, and according to the existing problems, and explore how to set the evaluation index, establish evaluation scheme, establishing assessment subjects, perfecting examination process optimization, so as to construct a scientific and reasonable quantitative evaluation index system of university teachers team, improve human resources the management level of colleges and universities, and realize the common development of universities and teachers.
This paper reviews the domestic and foreign university teachers' assessment system, combined with the actual management of colleges and universities in China, analysis of the current situation of teachers' performance evaluation; research and focus on the H school's "X project", analyzes its positive role in the management of university teachers team play and need to improve.
This paper focuses on the cause and effect evaluation system is not perfect, and on the basis of research for the evaluation index system of university teachers team of quantitative management in China, through literature collection, questionnaire, interviews and other ways to get a multi-dimensional views of experts and teachers, to explore the design indexes and weights for College teachers the quantitative assessment of our country, which is more conducive to the growth of examination oriented teachers and colleges and universities is conducive to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness.
The process of implementation of the evaluation system of the detailed design, through the assessment of the main training index classification definition, error response and other measures to ensure that the quantitative evaluation system of the accurate and efficient operation; in order to improve college teachers team performance management level, to provide reference to promote the development of University Teachers' evaluation system in China.
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