本文关键词: 以人为本 高校 和谐校园文化建设 出处:《燕山大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:和谐校园文化建设是社会主义先进文化、和谐文化建设的重要组成部分,是推动社会主义和谐社会建设的重要因素,在社会主义和谐社会建设中具有举足轻重的地位。加强校园文化建设对于推进高等教育改革发展、加强和改进大学生思想政治教育、全面提高大学生综合素质,具有十分重要的意义。 本文以和谐校园文化相关概念的界定及和谐思想为基础,首先对和谐校园文化相关概念、以人为本与和谐校园的关系、和谐文化对推动社会与校园和谐发展的意义进行说明。其次,运用分析与综合相结合的研究方法,从新时期我国校园文化建设面临的问题进行分析探讨,把原因进行综合与概括。最后,,提出构建和谐校园文化的对策。本文采用递进式结构展开三个论点,分别是:和谐校园文化的内涵及其建设背景;建设和谐校园文化所面临的主要问题;在以人文本思想下提出构建和谐校园文化的具体策略等。 和谐校园文化构建从四个方面进行分析:在精神文化建设方面,要用社会主义核心价值体系引领和谐校园文化精神建设,坚持科学务实的办学理念,倡导科学精神和人文精神,对大学生进行心理健康教育;在校园制度文化建设方面,实施民主科学管理、健全管理机制,体现“人性化”;在行为文化建设方面,要加强诚信教育,提高学生的诚信意识,建立学校诚信监督机制,把调整人际关系放在首要位置,使大学生在活动中思想感情得到熏陶、精神生活得到充实、道德境界得到提升;在校园物质文化建设方面,完善以师生为中心的公共设施建设,创设蕴涵“人文性”的良好自然环境。
[Abstract]:The construction of harmonious campus culture is an important part of socialist advanced culture and harmonious culture construction, and an important factor to promote the construction of socialist harmonious society. Strengthening the construction of campus culture plays an important role in the construction of a harmonious socialist society. Strengthening the construction of campus culture can promote the reform and development of higher education, strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college students, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of college students. It is of great significance. Based on the definition of the concept of harmonious campus culture and the concept of harmony, this paper first discusses the relationship between the concept of harmonious campus culture and the relationship between human beings and harmonious campus. The harmonious culture explains the significance of promoting the harmonious development of society and campus. Secondly, using the research method of combining analysis and synthesis, this paper analyzes and discusses the problems facing the construction of Chinese campus culture in the new period. Finally, put forward the countermeasures of constructing harmonious campus culture. This paper uses progressive structure to launch three arguments, namely: the connotation of harmonious campus culture and its construction background; The main problems facing the construction of harmonious campus culture and the concrete strategies of constructing harmonious campus culture under the thought of human text are put forward. The construction of harmonious campus culture is analyzed from four aspects: in the construction of spiritual culture, we should use the socialist core value system to lead the construction of harmonious campus culture spirit, and adhere to the scientific and pragmatic idea of running a school. Advocating the spirit of science and humanism, carrying out psychological health education for college students, implementing democratic scientific management, perfecting management mechanism and embodying "humanization" in the construction of campus system culture, and in the construction of behavior culture, It is necessary to strengthen honesty education, improve students' honesty consciousness, set up the mechanism of school honesty supervision, put the adjustment of interpersonal relationship in the first place, so that college students' thoughts and feelings can be nurtured in their activities, and their spiritual life will be enriched. In the aspect of campus material and cultural construction, we should perfect the construction of public facilities centered on teachers and students, and create a good natural environment containing "humanity".
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