本文选题:公民意识 切入点:藏族大学生 出处:《青海师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:公民意识是现代社会的核心理念,,良好的公民意识是现代社会发展的基础。大学生是国家社会发展的未来,大学生的公民意识的高低将影响公民社会的构建,因此必须重视大学生的公民意识的研究与教育。在青海这样一个多民族的省份,藏民族是世居族群之一,提高藏族大学生的公民意识,增强藏族大学生的公民认同,不仅关系到其个体的发展,对实现藏族地区经济社会发展和民族团结同样具有重要的意义,是在多民族地区建设公民社会的基础。 本文采用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法,以调查问卷收集的数据为研究依据,客观、真实地反映青海藏族大学生公民意识的现状。根据对实际调查所得的数据分析,青海藏族大学生的公民意识处于中等水平,男女生公民意识的差异不显著,不同年级的藏族大学生公民意识的差异比较显著,大学前接受不同教学形式的藏族大学生公民意识的差异性极为显著,且大学前接受汉语教学的藏族大学生的公民意识明显高于接受藏语教学和双语教学的学生。根据数据的分析结果和青海藏族大学生公民意识的实际情况,对藏民族传统文化、藏民族学校教育的影响、藏民族市场经济的影响、藏民族双语教学实施过程中的不利因素四个方面进行深入分析。提出了完善大学思想政治教育,开展法律宣传工作,优化社会环境,发挥学校在公民意识教育中的作用,注重家庭在公民意识教育中的作用,鼓励藏族大学生积极参与实践活动,进一步完善藏汉双语教学模式几个方面的建议,通过强化藏族大学生的公民身份的认同提高其公民意识的水平。
[Abstract]:The citizen consciousness is the core idea of the modern society, the good citizen consciousness is the foundation of the development of the modern society, the university student is the future of the national social development, the level of the citizen consciousness of the university student will influence the construction of the civil society. Therefore, we must attach importance to the research and education of college students' civic consciousness. In a multi-ethnic province like Qinghai, the Tibetan nationality is one of the ethnic groups living in the world. To raise the civic awareness of Tibetan college students and to strengthen the civic identity of Tibetan college students, It is not only related to its individual development, but also of great significance to the realization of economic and social development and national unity in Tibetan areas, and is the foundation of building civil society in multi-ethnic areas. This paper adopts the method of combining quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, taking the data collected by questionnaire as the research basis, objectively and realistically reflects the present situation of the citizen consciousness of Tibetan college students in Qinghai, and analyzes the data obtained from the actual investigation. The civic consciousness of Tibetan college students in Qinghai is at the middle level, the difference of civic consciousness of male and female students is not significant, the difference of citizenship consciousness of Tibetan college students of different grades is quite significant. The differences in civic awareness among Tibetan college students who received different teaching forms before university are extremely significant. Moreover, the civic awareness of Tibetan college students who received Chinese teaching before university was obviously higher than that of Tibetan and bilingual teaching students. According to the results of data analysis and the actual situation of Tibetan college students' civic consciousness in Qinghai, the traditional Tibetan culture was studied. The influence of Tibetan minority school education, the influence of Tibetan national market economy, and the unfavorable factors in the process of carrying out bilingual teaching of Tibetan nationality are analyzed in depth. It is put forward that the ideological and political education in universities should be perfected and the legal propaganda should be carried out. To optimize the social environment, to give play to the role of schools in civic awareness education, to pay attention to the role of families in civic awareness education, to encourage Tibetan college students to take an active part in practical activities, and to further improve the bilingual teaching model of Tibetan and Chinese. By strengthening the identity of Tibetan college students' citizenship, we can improve their level of citizenship consciousness.
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