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发布时间:2018-03-11 15:39

  本文选题:本科高校 切入点:分类 出处:《中国矿业大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:评价是高等学校监控教师教学质量和确保人才培养质量的重要手段。论文对教学质量评价概念、功能、主体、内容、方法和制度等方面的文献做了综述,反思了传统教学评价的问题和本科教学评估的不足。在大众化高等教育时期,树立多元化教学质量观、构建多样化评价指标体系,分类评价本科高校教师教学质量,引导不同类型高校在本层次上办出自己的特色,有效满足社会各行各业对人才多样化的需求,具有重要的理论和现实意义。 论文阐述了教学质量评价的基本理论,包括教学质量概念与不同的质量观、教学质量评价涵义及各种功能、教学质量评价理论的发展、高校教师教学质量评价标准的复杂性以及多样性等。论文剖析了高等学校分类的相关概念、重要意义、理论基础、分类依据和分类标准,评述了国内具有代表性的高校分类结果与美国卡内基高等教育机构分类类型。本文采用的本科高校基本类型为重点本科高校、一般本科高校和独立学院"民办本科高校。论文构建了本科高校教师教学质量评价的基本项目,其中包括教师素质、教学态度、教学内容、教学方法和教学效果五个方面。 选取有代表性的各类本科高校的学生,就教师教学质量评价指标重要性进行问卷调查,对获取的数据和定性资料进行描述统计分析和解释。通过对原始数据进行2检验和单因素方差分析,发现不同类型本科高校的学生对教学质量评价指标重要性看法的差异具有统计学意义。在此基础上,对各指标重要性评定等级数据进行因子分析和聚类分析,简化评价指标项目。结合求平均数法、层次分析法和秩和运算法,计算三类本科高校各自的教师教学质量评价指标权重。 本文运用构建的教师教学质量评价指标体系,选取甘肃农业大学的两位任课教师为个案,对其教学质量进行评价。采用拟合优度单样本K-S检验法和两个独立样本的Mann-Whitney U检验法,验证评价数据的合理性。运用模糊综合评价模型,评价教师教学质量,并对评价结果进行分析和解释。采用多元线性回归分析法,进一步指出显著影响教师教学质量总体评价结果的分项因素,为教师改进教学和加强关键教学环节提供依据。 本文以定量研究为主,结合定性研究方法,构建了一个多样化的教师教学质量评价指标体系,指标项目按照本科高校共同的、基本的质量标准来确立,权重按照分层、分类的标准来确定,体现三类本科高校教师教学质量评价指标体系的统一性和差异性。对教师教学质量进行分类评价,,真正发挥评价的导向和激励作用,使各类本科高校明确自己的定位,体现不同特色和差异性,在自己所属的层次上追求最好的发展。
[Abstract]:Evaluation is an important means to monitor the teaching quality of teachers and ensure the quality of personnel training in colleges and universities. This paper summarizes the literature on the concept, function, subject, content, method and system of teaching quality evaluation. This paper reflects on the problems of traditional teaching evaluation and the deficiency of undergraduate teaching evaluation. In the period of popularizing higher education, it sets up a diversified teaching quality view, constructs a diversified evaluation index system, and evaluates the teaching quality of college teachers by classification. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to guide different types of colleges and universities to set up their own characteristics at this level and to effectively meet the diverse needs of talents in various sectors of society. The paper expounds the basic theory of teaching quality evaluation, including the concept of teaching quality and different quality views, the meaning and various functions of teaching quality evaluation, and the development of teaching quality evaluation theory. This paper analyzes the related concepts, significance, theoretical basis, classification basis and classification standards of the classification of colleges and universities. This paper reviews the classification results of representative colleges and universities in China and the classification types of Carnegie higher education institutions in the United States. The paper constructs the basic items of teaching quality evaluation for teachers in colleges and universities, including teachers' quality, teaching attitude, teaching content, teaching methods and teaching effect. This paper selects the students of representative undergraduate colleges and universities, and makes a questionnaire survey on the importance of the evaluation index of teachers' teaching quality. Descriptive statistical analysis and interpretation of the obtained data and qualitative data. It is found that the difference of students' views on the importance of teaching quality evaluation index is statistically significant. On the basis of this, factor analysis and cluster analysis are carried out on the evaluation grade data of each index importance. Combining the average method, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and rank sum operation method, the weight of the evaluation index of teaching quality of teachers in three kinds of undergraduate colleges and universities is calculated. Based on the evaluation index system of teachers' teaching quality, this paper selects two teachers of Gansu Agricultural University as a case study. The method of K-S test of goodness of fit and Mann-Whitney U test of two independent samples are used to verify the rationality of the evaluation data, and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is used to evaluate the teaching quality of teachers. The multivariate linear regression analysis method is used to further point out the sub-factors that significantly affect the overall evaluation results of teachers' teaching quality, and provide the basis for teachers to improve teaching and strengthen the key teaching links. Based on the quantitative research and the qualitative research method, this paper constructs a diversified evaluation index system of teachers' teaching quality. The index items are established according to the common and basic quality standards of undergraduate colleges and universities, and the weights are stratified. The standard of classification is used to determine and embody the unity and difference of the evaluation index system of the teaching quality of the three kinds of undergraduate colleges and universities. The classification and evaluation of the teaching quality of the teachers are carried out in order to give full play to the guiding and encouraging function of the evaluation. Make all kinds of undergraduate colleges and universities clear their own position, reflect different characteristics and differences, and pursue the best development at their own level.


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