发布时间:2016-11-04 11:33
2009-7-15 19:34:25 来源:
The Role of Confucianism in Humanity-Based Quality Education of College Students
论文单位南京农业大学,点击次数0,论文页数51页File Size2753k
Confucianism;humane spirit;college students;quality education
众所周知,西方哲学长于分析思维,引领了世界科技发展的潮流,但其弊端也是显而易见的。高度发达的现代科技,“把人类以及人类文化带向一个陌生、冷漠、黑暗、充满危机的世界。”在中国,人文精神危机也成为二十世纪九十年代中国哲学界颇为引人注目的问题。因此,弘扬人文精神,寻觅失落的精神家园是教育发展的必然要求。 九十年代以来,中国大力推进素质教育。素质教育理论产生的历史背景表明,中华民族的振兴需要青年一代从西方汲取科学与文化的营养、吸收人类一切优秀文化成果。当前的素质教育主要是人文素质教育,即弘扬人文精神的教育。众所周知,每一个民族的文化都有其自身的价值本原,因此,吸收人类一切优秀文化成果不能割裂自己民族的历史。西方学者在寻找医治西方文化弊端的良方时,尚且肯定长于整体思维的东方文化的价值,那么,我们将如何面对自己的传统文化呢? 在中国,“无论何种传统,其中有作为中华文化的主干的儒学的影子,传统与现代的纠结永远是人无法改变的存在方式”。北师大哲学系李景林教授指出:“素质教育的根本点是挺立价值本原”和弘扬“宗教性的精神”,并肯定这种本原与精神就是以儒家为主流的中华民族精神。 “五四”以来,虽然儒家思想失去了在中国的统治地位,但是,儒家以人为本、以仁为核心的人文思想是人文素质教育的丰富资源。我们在崇尚科学精神的同时,不能放弃崇尚伦理道德的中华民族优良传统,否则,势必会在时代的大潮中丧失自我。 我国高校人才培养的目标、科学人性化的客观要求、知识经济时代对人才素质的高度综合性要求,决定了儒家人文思想对学生可持续发展意识、德治与法治意识、诚信观念及理想人格的培养等有着独特的作用。因此,,用儒家人文思想精华丰富素质教育内容,提高学生素质,对中华民族振兴有着战略上的意义。 用儒家人文精华加强素质教育,必须更新教育观念,改进教育教学方法,营造良好的弘扬儒家思想精华的校园文化氛围。
It is well known that occidental philosophy puts emphasis on analytical thinking which leads the world science and technology. However, it is obvious that it still has shortcomings. The highly -developed modern science and technology is "leading human beings and their culture to a unfamiliar, indifferent, dark world full of crisis". In China, the crisis of humane spirit has been a striking issue since the 1990s in the circle of philosophy. Therefore, it is a necessary requirement to promote the humane spirit and re-find the lost spiritual homeland for the development of education.Since the 1990s, quality education has been carried forward greatly in China. The historic background, from which the theory of quality education stemmed, shows that China "s younger generation is required to draw the best elements of occidental science and culture and make a good command of all the world"s excellent fruits so as to contribute in China"s rejuvenation. Currently, quality education in China focuses on humanity-based education, which aims at students" humane spirit. We all know that every nation has its own culture, which persists the arche of belief. So the learning of the world"s excellent culture should not be separated from the learner"s own history. The occidental scholars, while trying to find an effective prescription to the hard ills of their own culture, acknowledge the strength of oriental culture, which is takes into account the whole picture of a thing. Then, how can we oriental people interpret our own culture in a correct approach?In China, "The impact of Confucianism, as the trunk of Chinese culture, exists in every tradition. And interweaving modern culture with traditional one is a way of life that can not be changed." said Li Jinglin, a professor of Department of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University, "The basis of quality education is to persist the arche of belief and develop the religious spirit". He also claimed that "these arche and spirit are the main spirit of the Chinese Nation governed by Confucianism".Confucianism, human-based and humanity-oriented, offers abundant resources toconduct humanity-based quality education, though Confucianism has somewhat lost its dominance in the thinking field since May 4th Movement. When upholding the science, we should not give up our own good tradition, which advocates ethics. Otherwise, we would lose our believes in the modem times.Confucianism still have a great many unique effects on students to develop their idea of sustainable development, moral and legal thinking, honest and honorable virtue, and the cultivation of ideal personality, according to the educational aim in universities of talent-training and science-personifying and the comprehensive demand required by the time of knowledge-based economy. Therefore, it is strategically significant to improve the quality of students with the cream of Confucianism as the content of quality education in the process of China"s rejuvenation.To strengthen quality education with the guide of the cream of Confucianism, efforts should be done to modify the educational concept, improve the education methods and create a better culture atmosphere on campus.