本文选题:高校 切入点:校园文化 出处:《华中师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:我国高校对校园文化建设投入的力度,直接影响着大学生的健康成长成才,高校校园文化具有重要的德育功能,强调并探索高校校园文化的德育功能,可以让高校校园文化“盎然生机”,让德育效果“活灵活现”。 基于此,笔者对高校校园文化德育功能的发挥进行了深入思考,通过查阅大量相关资料后发现,以前,国内学者在研究高校校园文化德育功能发挥时,更多的是注重剖析高校校园文化的发展状况及存在的问题,对于如何优化高校校园文化德育功能的路径方面,也仅是停留在实践对策上的研究,这不利于我们对高校校园文化德育功能做进一步的认识,也不利于当前我国高校校园文化的建设和发展。本论文倾向于把高校校园文化看为一个有机整体,从解读高校校园文化德育功能入手,并概括分析了影响高校校园文化德育功能发挥的主要因素,大胆探索了优化高校校园文化德育功能的路径,努力实现高校德育工作的实效性。本文从三个部分进行探索。 第一部分,主要解读高校校园文化德育功能的各个要素。 这一部分是整篇文章的基础,笔者就文化、校园文化和德育等概念,及校园文化与高校德育之间的关系进行了大胆探索和分析,在高校校园文化概念的理解上,笔者认为高校校园文化是在高校育人环境中,以大学生和教师为主体,以主流教育为导向,以高校管理为辅助,全面打造大学生的健康人格,由全体大学人在教学、科研、管理、生活等各个领域相互配合、相互作用的过程中,共同创造出来的所有物质和精神的成果,及其创造的全过程。在德育概念的理解上,笔者认为德育是包括道德教育在内的思想政治品德教育,道德教育不过是德育的一部分内容,道德教育不能取代德育,德育要包括道德教育,也包括法律教育等等。并分析了德育功能的内涵,即德育功能是德育主体对德育对象的功能,是德育主体通过自己的活动培育教育对象思想政治品德的功能。进而还分析了高校校园文化德育功能的主要内容,即包括认识功能、规范功能和心理培育功能等。 第二部分,剖析制约我国高校校园文化德育功能发挥的主要因素。 当前我国高校校园文化德育功能的发挥受到各种不良因素的阻碍,主要表现为:一是受高校校园文化建设存在问题的影响,如校园文化自身建设存在一定的封闭性,物质投入与精神投入不协调,管理与引导的不协调,课外活动的文化层次较低,高校校园文化网络德育工作队伍建设与网络技术发展之间的不协调等;二是受到社会大环境中不利因素的制约,如受到市场经济、社会多元文化、现代信息技术等方面不利因素的影响。 第三部分,探讨如何加强我国高校校园文化德育功能的发挥。 从高校校园文化德育功能的内涵出发,分析制约我国高校校园文化德育功能发挥的主要因素,笔者认为进一步发挥我国高校校园文化德育功能要着眼于以下几点:第一,着力弘扬高品位的大学精神,即要倡导大学的自由精神,注重科学精神和人文精神的相互渗透,发挥大学的创新精神,并大力培养大学生的民族精神。第二,积极创立具有大学特色的品牌活动,即寓德育于高校校园文化的责任教育活动中,营建爱心校园;寓德育于高校校园文化的就业教育活动中,营建和谐校园。第三,主动占领高校网络德育新阵地,并优化网络德育新环境,即创建“校级”德育网站,打造“星级”网络德育团队,开展“特级”网络德育活动,旨在弘扬红色主流思想,进而促进高校校园文化德育功能的有效发挥。 因此,只有让大学生在高校校园文化这充满活力和激情的氛围中,感悟德育的特殊魅力,才能真正创设出国际一流的大学。
[Abstract]:The construction of campus culture investment in Colleges and universities of our country, directly affects the growth of the students, campus culture has important moral function, and explore the function of moral education emphasizes the campus culture, campus culture can make "vitality", "vivid". Let the moral education effect
Based on this, the author of the moral function of campus culture in Colleges and universities conducted in-depth thinking, through a large number of relevant information found before, domestic scholars play in the moral education research of university campus culture function, pay more attention to analyzes the state of development of university campus culture and the problems of how to optimize the path for the moral educational function of campus culture the hand is also only stay in the study on practical countermeasures, which is not conducive to our further understanding of the moral education function of college campus culture, is not conducive to China's current campus culture construction and development. This thesis tends to campus culture as an organic whole, starting from the interpretation of university campus the cultural function of moral education, and summarizes and analyzes the main influencing factors of university campus culture's moral education function, the optimization of the bold exploration of moral education in the campus culture to the road This paper tries to realize the actual effect of moral education in Colleges and universities. This article explores from three parts.
The first part mainly interprets the various elements of the moral education function of college campus culture.
This part is the foundation of the whole article, the culture, campus culture and moral education concept, a bold exploration and analysis and the relationship between campus culture and moral education in Colleges and universities, campus culture in the understanding of the concept, the author thinks that the campus culture is education environment in Colleges and universities, College students and teachers as the main body and to the mainstream education oriented, to create a comprehensive management of colleges and universities to assist college students' healthy personality, by all the people in the university teaching, scientific research, management, life and other fields with each other, the interaction process, all the material and spiritual co created achievements, and create the whole process in the moral education. The understanding of the concept, the author thinks that moral education is the ideological and political moral education includes moral education, moral education is just a part of the contents of moral education, moral education cannot replace moral education, moral education should include Moral education, including legal education and so on. And the analysis of the connotation of the moral education function, the function of moral education is the subject of moral education function of moral education objects, is the object of Ideological and political education to cultivate moral education subject moral function through their activities. It also analyzes the main contents of the moral educational function of campus culture, including cognitive function, specification the function and cultivation of psychological functions.
In the second part, the main factors that restrict the moral education function of campus culture in China's colleges and universities are analyzed.
Play the moral educational function of campus culture in our country is affected by various adverse factors hinder, mainly as follows: one is the problem of the impact of the construction of campus culture, campus culture as its construction has certain closed, material input and spirit into coordination, management and coordination and guidance, cultural level of extracurricular activities low, between the development of campus culture in Colleges and universities network moral education team construction and network technology is not harmonious; the two is restricted by the negative factors in the social environment, such as by the market economy, social culture, modern information technology influence aspects of unfavorable factors.
The third part is to discuss how to strengthen the moral education function of college campus culture in our country.
Starting from the connotation of the moral educational function of campus culture, analysis the main factors restricting the moral function of our campus culture play, the author thinks that further play to the function of China's moral education of campus culture in Colleges and universities should focus on the following points: first, efforts to promote the high grade of university spirit, to advocate the spirit of Free University, focusing on mutual penetration the scientific spirit and humanistic spirit, give full play to university spirit of innovation, and cultivate the national spirit of college students. Second, actively create with university characteristics brand activities, moral education in the university campus culture is the responsibility of education activities, the construction of campus love; moral education employment education activities in the university campus culture in the construction of harmonious campus third, to seize the new position of university moral education network, and optimize the network environment of moral education, is to create a "University" of moral education website, to create a "Star" network morality The education team, carrying out the "special level" network moral education activities, aims to carry forward the red mainstream ideology, and then promote the effective play of the moral education function of campus culture.
Therefore, only by letting college students feel the special charm of moral education, can we truly create a world-class university.
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