本文选题:高校院系 切入点:领导班子 出处:《思想理论教育》2012年19期
[Abstract]:It is of great significance to strengthen the construction of leading group of colleges and departments and to strengthen the overall function of leading group of colleges and departments in colleges and universities, which is of great significance for strengthening the leadership of the Party over colleges and universities, adhering to the socialist direction of running schools and running the cause of higher education satisfactory to the people.At present, the influencing factors of the whole function construction of the leading group in colleges and departments of colleges and universities are mainly reflected in the unstable relationship between the party and government, the imbalance of the distribution of power, the non-standard management behavior and so on.The core of the overall functional construction of the leading bodies in colleges and departments of colleges and universities is the ability building of the leading bodies.Therefore, the overall function construction of the leading group in colleges and universities should pay attention to the establishment of learning promotion mechanism, the optimization of power operation mechanism, the improvement of joint responsibility mechanism and the strengthening of core guarantee mechanism.
【作者单位】: 上海第二工业大学思想政治理论教学部;
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