本文选题:高校 + 人力资源 ; 参考:《西安电子科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国高等教育进入大众化阶段,高校的教师资源逐渐凸显出数量不足、质量不高、结构不合理等问题;并且随着高校教师队伍改革的呼声进一步提高,对于如何开发高校的教师资源,促进教师队伍的建设,成为国家人事改革、高校战略发展的需要,成为学校内部管理体制改革的选择,成为不断提高高校人力资源管理效率的关键。 基于上述背景,本文研究了以下内容。首先,在对以往高校人力资源开发和管理理论、人力资源开发相关理论等进行分析的基础上,系统地论述了高校人力资源开发和管理的概念、特点,并提出了高校人力资源开发的重要性。其次,本文以陕西省高校教师队伍为研究对象,采用理论分析、数据分析等方法,对目前我国高校教师队伍的现状进行研究,找出配置不合理,流动不合理,开发职能不足,制度不完善等问题,并分析其存在的原因。再次,通过对美、日高校成功的教师队伍建设经验的分析,从宏观和微观方面,提出了我国高校教师资源开发和队伍建设的树立以人为本的教师队伍建设理念,制定教师资源开发的战略规划,规范教师资源的任用、聘任和流动机制,完善教师的竞争激励机制等策略。旨在建立一套有效激发高校教师积极性、创造性和巨大潜能的人力资源管理、开发的理论和方法,并最终建立起一个以人为本的合理有效的师资队伍开发体系。最后,根据提出的策略,本文对x高校某二级学院的教师队伍结构进行了实证研究,用以检验提出策略的可行性和价值。 本文是在2010年西安电子科技大学立项课题“人力资源开发和高校教师队伍的建设”的背景下撰写的,其研究的结论具有一定的理论和实用价值。
[Abstract]:With the popularization of higher education in our country, the problems of insufficient quantity, low quality, unreasonable structure and so on have been gradually highlighted in colleges and universities, and the calls for the reform of teachers in colleges and universities have been raised further.How to develop teachers' resources in colleges and universities and promote the construction of teachers' team become the need of national personnel reform and the strategic development of colleges and universities, and become the choice of the reform of internal management system.It has become the key to improve the efficiency of human resources management in colleges and universities.Based on the above background, this paper studies the following contents.First of all, on the basis of analyzing the theories of human resource development and management in colleges and universities, the paper systematically discusses the concept and characteristics of human resources development and management in colleges and universities.It also points out the importance of human resources development in colleges and universities.Secondly, this paper takes the university teachers in Shaanxi Province as the research object, using the methods of theoretical analysis and data analysis, to study the present situation of the college teachers in our country, and find out that the allocation is unreasonable, the flow is unreasonable, and the development function is insufficient.System is not perfect and so on, and analyzes its existence reason.Thirdly, through the analysis of the experience of successful teachers' construction in American and Japanese universities, this paper puts forward the idea of establishing people-oriented teachers' team construction in the development of teachers' resources and team building in colleges and universities in China from the macro and micro aspects.We should formulate the strategic plan of teacher resource development, standardize the appointment, appointment and flow mechanism of teacher resources, and perfect the competitive incentive mechanism of teachers.The purpose of this paper is to establish a set of theories and methods of human resource management and development, which can effectively stimulate the enthusiasm, creativity and great potential of university teachers, and finally to establish a reasonable and effective development system for teachers.Finally, according to the proposed strategy, this paper makes an empirical study on the structure of teachers in a secondary college in order to test the feasibility and value of the proposed strategy.This paper is written under the background of the project "Human Resources Development and the Construction of University Teachers", which was established by Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology in 2010. The conclusion of the research has certain theoretical and practical value.
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