本文选题:WIKI + 反思性学习 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:反思是学生学会学习的一种重要方式,随着学习化社会的不断推进,学校教育的任务逐渐转变为要把学生培养成为独立自主的学习者,在学习的过程中学会反思,善于反思,通过反思不断提升学习者解决学习实践问题的能力与终身学习的品质。 随着强调“共享、互动、反思、发展”理念的WIKI技术在教育领域的众多应用,越来越多的人开始深入挖掘其独特的教育功能与价值。据相关研究表明, WIKI作为一种促进学习者反思的工具,可以有效提升学习者的学习能力。目前国内对WIKI促进反思性学习的应用研究还很少,究竟应该如何利用WIKI促进反思性学习,,学习者又是如何通过WIKI进行有效的反思呢?本研究将致力于这方面的探讨。 文章在对国内外反思性学习研究综述的基础上,根据反思性学习的过程,依据社会建构理论以及教学设计理论,提出了利用WIKI促进反思性学习的策略。从创设反思情境、提供反思支架、引导反思交互、反思总结评价等四个方面,论述了利用WIKI促进反思性学习的策略。通过给学生分配适当的反思性学习任务,设定反思性学习活动的流程,设置反思疑难情境,从而激发学习者的反思意识,达到创设反思情境的目的;借助程序参照、问题引导、即时反馈等方法来为学习者的反思过程搭建支架;通过设定反思交互规则、促进深度交互、提供相应资源、即时终止交互等方法来达到促进学习者群体交流的目标;借助版本追溯、书写反思日志等方法来促使学习者对反思性学习过程的总结,提升反思性学习的能力。 最后,笔者结合宁波大学硕士研究生课程《信息技术与课程整合》中的“信息技术与学科整合的教学设计”部分,开展了利用WIKI促进反思性学习的实践研究,初步验证了所提策略的有效性。
[Abstract]:Reflection is an important way for students to learn. With the continuous advancement of learning society, the task of school education is to train students to become independent learners, learn to reflect and be good at reflection in the process of learning. Through reflection, we can improve learners' ability to solve learning practice problems and the quality of lifelong learning. With the application of WIKI technology which emphasizes the idea of "sharing, interaction, reflection and development" in the field of education, more and more people begin to dig into its unique educational function and value. According to relevant studies, WIKI, as a tool to promote learners' reflection, can effectively improve learners' learning ability. At present, there are few researches on the application of WIKI to promote reflective learning. How should we use WIKI to promote reflective learning, and how can learners reflect on it effectively through WIKI? This study will focus on this aspect. Based on the summarization of the research on reflective learning at home and abroad, according to the process of reflective learning, according to the theory of social construction and the theory of teaching design, this paper puts forward the strategy of using WIKI to promote reflective learning. This paper discusses the strategies of using WIKI to promote reflective learning from four aspects: creating reflective situation, providing reflective scaffolding, guiding reflective interaction, and summarizing and evaluating reflection. By assigning appropriate reflective learning tasks to students, setting up the flow of reflective learning activities, setting up reflective difficult situations, thus arousing learners' reflective consciousness and achieving the purpose of creating reflective situations, with the help of program reference and problem guidance, The methods such as instant feedback are used to build the scaffold for learners' reflection process, to achieve the goal of promoting learners' group communication by setting up reflective interaction rules, promoting deep interaction, providing corresponding resources, and stopping the interaction immediately. In order to improve the ability of reflective learning, we can make learners summarize the process of reflective learning by means of version tracing and writing introspection log. Finally, based on the part of "Teaching Design of Information Technology and subject Integration" in "Information Technology and Curriculum Integration", the author carried out a practical research on how to promote reflective learning by using WIKI. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is preliminarily verified.
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