本文选题:价值观多元化 + 大学生 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:思想政治教育过程是教育者的施教过程和受教育者的接受过程的统一。但在过去的大学思想政治教育理论研究中,人们重视对教育者的施教过程的研究,而对受教育者的接受过程的研究重视不够。在大学实际的思想政治教育过程中,一些教育者也往往只关注自己如何施教,而较少关注自己传授的内容是否为受教育者所接受,结果造成了一些受教育者不愿接受教育者传授的思想政治教育内容,,甚至对教育者传授的思想政治教育内容怀疑、厌恶、反感,思想政治教育效果不理想。在价值观多元化背景下,这一问题更加凸显。因此,本文将价值观多元化背景下的大学生思想政治教育接受作为选题,对其进行系统研究,对于完善思想政治教育理论,推动新形势下思想政治教育的途径及方式方法的变革,提高思想政治教育的效果,具有重要意义。 本文运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法,问卷调查法和个别访谈法、文献研究法和思辨研究法,在对大学生思想政治教育接受现状进行问卷调查的基础上,结合个别访谈,对大学生思想政治教育接受现状进行总结,然后对造成大学生思想政治教育接受问题的影响因素进行分析,最后根据大学生思想政治教育接受存在的问题,从接受主体的动力、接受心理、教学介质、教学过程、思想政治教育者本身的素质、能力方面提出提高思想政治教育接受效果的对策。本文正文由三部分构成。 第一部分对思想政治教育接受理论进行概述,分析了思想政治教育接受的内涵、思想政治教育接受的心理机制、特点及影响思想政治教育接受的因素。 第二部分对价值观多元化对大学生思想品德的影响以及思想政治教育过程忽视大学生接受的表现进行了分析。主要从大学生思想政治教育接受的现状、影响因素及思想政治教育忽视大学生接受的具体表现进行探讨。 第三部分就如何提高大学生思想政治教育接受效果提出对策。一是转变观念,从大学生特点出发进行思想政治教育;二是提高素质,加强思想政治教育队伍建设;三是改进方法,增强思想政治教育的吸引力和感染力;四是体现特色,突出思想政治教育内容的现实性和时代性;五是综合联动,改善思想政治教育接受环境。
[Abstract]:The process of ideological and political education is the unity of the teaching process of the educator and the acceptance process of the educatee. However, in the past studies on the theory of ideological and political education in universities, people pay more attention to the teaching process of the educators than to the reception process of the educatees. In the actual process of ideological and political education in universities, some educators tend to focus only on how they teach, and less on whether the contents they teach are accepted by the educatees. As a result, some educatees are unwilling to accept the contents of ideological and political education, and even doubt, disgust, antipathy, and the effect of ideological and political education are not ideal. In the context of the diversity of values, this issue is even more prominent. Therefore, this paper takes the acceptance of ideological and political education of college students under the background of diversified values as the topic, and makes a systematic study on it, which will improve the theory of ideological and political education. It is of great significance to promote the reform of the ways and methods of ideological and political education under the new situation and to improve the effect of ideological and political education. Based on the methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, questionnaire survey and individual interview, literature research and speculative research, the present situation of college students' ideological and political education is investigated. Combined with individual interviews, this paper summarizes the status quo of college students' acceptance of ideological and political education, and then analyzes the factors that affect the acceptance of college students' ideological and political education. Finally, according to the problems existing in the acceptance of college students' ideological and political education, The countermeasures of improving the acceptance effect of ideological and political education are put forward from the aspects of the motivation of the subject, the psychology of acceptance, the medium of teaching, the teaching process and the quality and ability of the ideological and political educators themselves. The text consists of three parts. The first part summarizes the theory of the acceptance of ideological and political education, analyzes the connotation of the acceptance of ideological and political education, the psychological mechanism of the acceptance of ideological and political education, the characteristics and the factors affecting the acceptance of ideological and political education. The second part analyzes the influence of the diversity of values on the ideological and moral character of college students and the behavior of neglecting the acceptance of college students in the process of ideological and political education. This paper mainly discusses the present situation of college students' acceptance of ideological and political education, the influencing factors and the concrete performance of ignoring the acceptance of college students in ideological and political education. The third part puts forward some countermeasures on how to improve the acceptance effect of college students' ideological and political education. First, to change ideas and carry out ideological and political education according to the characteristics of college students; second, to improve the quality and strengthen the building of the contingent of ideological and political education; third, to improve methods to enhance the attraction and appeal of ideological and political education; and fourth, to embody the characteristics. The fifth is to improve the reception environment of ideological and political education.
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