本文选题:和而不同 + 高校 ; 参考:《河南工业大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国对外开放程度的日益加深,社会文化不断受到各种社会思潮的影响,这也促使社会成员的价值诉求呈现出多元化的态势,加之党中央在2006年提出构建和谐社会的战略任务和奋斗目标,这就使得如何在价值多元化时代建构和谐文化成为当前一项亟待解决的重要课题。文化为社会发展提供了强大的精神动力和智力支持,和谐文化能够积极地促进和谐社会的形成。而高校是我国文化汇集和发展的重要平台,因此,高校文化的和谐与否必将极大地关系着和谐社会的构建。现阶段,我国高校文化建设中还存在一些急需解决的问题,如学校管理理念的陈旧与过时,校园文化建设思路的零散与非系统性,校园文化建设的自觉性与主体性彰显不足等,而造成这些问题的很大原因在于对于和谐理念的理解尚不够清晰。“和谐”不应该是简单的同一,而是多样性的统一。先秦儒家中“和而不同”的思想其精神实质恰恰在于追求多样性的相互协调与统一,这与我们当下对和谐理念的理解有着内在的契合性。因此,积极地借鉴和利用这一宝贵的思想资源成为促进和推动和谐高校文化建设的重要路径。 本文在对和谐高校文化论述的基础上,,深入探讨了建设和谐高校文化的重要性,并且对目前高校文化建设当中存在的问题进行了深刻地剖析,如:各种思潮对高校文化建设的消极影响,高校文化建设制度和机制的缺失,人际关系存在不和谐的因素等。在此基础上借由“和而不同”思想内涵的阐释,明确了“和而不同”思想体现出的和谐管理和教育理念对于构建和谐高校文化的重要价值,进而顺理成章地提出运用“和而不同”的理念,去构建和完善合理的高校文化建设制度与机制,引导在校大学生思想的健康成长,培育和谐良好的校园人际关系,最终建立起和谐高校文化的重要举措。“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,深入挖掘先秦儒家思想中可资利用的和合文化资源,必将为我们构建高校和谐校园文化找到一把重要的利器。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's opening to the outside world, social culture is constantly affected by various social trends of thought, which also promote the value demands of social members to present a pluralistic trend. In addition, in 2006, the CPC Central Committee put forward the strategic task and the goal of building a harmonious society, which makes how to construct a harmonious culture in the era of value diversity has become an important issue to be solved urgently. Culture provides strong spiritual power and intellectual support for social development, and harmonious culture can actively promote the formation of harmonious society. Colleges and universities are the important platform for the collection and development of Chinese culture, therefore, the harmony of university culture will greatly affect the construction of a harmonious society. At present, there are still some problems that need to be solved in the cultural construction of colleges and universities in China, such as the outmoded and outdated concept of school management, the scattered and non-systematic thinking of campus cultural construction, the lack of consciousness and subjectivity in the construction of campus culture, and so on. The major reason for these problems is that the understanding of the concept of harmony is not clear enough. Harmony should not be a simple identity, but a unity of diversity. The spiritual essence of the thought of "harmony but difference" in the pre-Qin Confucianism lies in the pursuit of the harmony and unity of diversity, which is consistent with our understanding of the idea of harmony at present. Therefore, it is an important way to promote and promote the construction of harmonious university culture by actively drawing on and utilizing this precious ideological resource. Based on the discussion of harmonious university culture, this paper probes into the importance of constructing harmonious university culture, and deeply analyzes the problems existing in the present university culture construction. Such as: the negative influence of various ideological trends on the cultural construction of colleges and universities, the lack of the system and mechanism of cultural construction in colleges and universities, the factors of disharmony in interpersonal relationships, and so on. On the basis of the explanation of the connotation of "harmony but difference", this paper clarifies the important value of harmonious management and education idea in constructing harmonious university culture, which is embodied in the thought of "harmony but difference". Then, it is logical to put forward the idea of "harmony but difference", to construct and perfect the reasonable system and mechanism of university culture construction, to guide the healthy growth of college students' thoughts, and to foster harmonious and good interpersonal relationship on campus. Finally, the establishment of harmonious university culture is an important measure. "if the work wants to do well, it must first benefit its tools", and dig deeply into the resources of harmony culture which can be used in the Confucian thought of pre-Qin Dynasty, which will find an important sharp weapon for us to construct the harmonious campus culture in colleges and universities.
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