本文选题:网络语言 + 大学生 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:网络语言,作为信息技术环境下一种新的语言形态,在彰显时代特征、反映社会生活和人们思想状况的同时,也因其自身所包含的特性,在给大学生思想政治教育带来良好机遇的同时,也产生了巨大的挑战。基于此,网络语言成为大学生思想政治教育亟待研究的热点问题。本文采用综合文献资料法、学科交叉法、调查研究法等多种方法,以网络语言的内涵为逻辑起点,以网络语言与大学生思想政治教育内在关系为主线,深入探讨网络语言对大学生思想政治教育的影响及其原因,最后提出运用网络语言提升大学生思想政治教育效果的对策。 本研究正文主要有以下四个部分: 第一章,绪论。包括研究背景与意义,,国内外研究现状,研究思路和方法,创新之处等四个方面。 第二章,网络语言的特征及其分类。首先从对网络语言的内涵进行分析,主要是从广义、狭义两方面进行对网络语言的内涵进行界定,并在此基础上进一步分析了网络语言的特征及其分类。 第三章,网络语言对大学生思想政治教育的影响及原因分析。首先从积极和消极两方面来阐述网络语言对大学生思想政治教育的影响。其中,积极影响主要从增强大学生主体意识、拓展大学生的思维创新、加强主客体的有效沟通和加快主客体的平等互动等四个方面来阐述;消极影响主要从形成主客体间的沟通障碍、冲击大学生主流价值观、过度依赖网络虚拟环境和制约了大学生的认知发展等四个方面来论述;同时对其产生积极、消极影响的原因进行了分析。 第四章,运用网络语言提升大学生思想政治教育效果的对策。主要从提高教育者的网络语言能力、制定网络语言规范、加强对大学生的理性引导和构建网络语言监管机制等四个方面加以探讨。其中,提高教育者的网络语言能力主要包括教育者要理性认识网络语言和加强教育者网络语言的培训两方面;制定网络语言规范主要包括规范的基本原则和规范的基本内容两方面;加强对大学生的理性引导包括树立正确的网络语言观和引导大学生规范使用网络语言;构建网络语言监管机制主要包括监管机制的内涵和主要的监管机制两方面。
[Abstract]:Network language, as a new language form under the information technology environment, shows the characteristics of the times, reflects the social life and people's ideological situation, but also because of its own characteristics. At the same time, it brings great challenges to the ideological and political education of college students. Based on this, network language has become a hot issue in ideological and political education of college students. This paper adopts the comprehensive literature method, the interdisciplinary method, the investigation and research method and so on, takes the connotation of the network language as the logical starting point, takes the network language and the ideological and political education of the university students as the main line. This paper probes into the influence of network language on ideological and political education of college students and its causes, and finally puts forward some countermeasures to improve the effect of ideological and political education of college students by using network language. The main body of this study consists of the following four parts: Chapter one, introduction. Including the research background and significance, domestic and foreign research status, research ideas and methods, innovation and other four aspects. The second chapter, the characteristics of network language and its classification. Firstly, the connotation of network language is analyzed, mainly from two aspects of broad sense and narrow sense, and on this basis, the characteristics and classification of network language are further analyzed. The third chapter, the influence of network language on ideological and political education of college students and its causes. Firstly, the influence of network language on ideological and political education of college students is expounded from positive and negative aspects. Among them, the positive influence is mainly elaborated from four aspects: strengthening the subject consciousness of college students, expanding the thinking innovation of the college students, strengthening the effective communication between the subject and the object, and accelerating the equal interaction between the subject and the object. The negative effects are mainly discussed from four aspects: forming communication barriers between subjects and objects, impacting the mainstream values of college students, relying too much on the network virtual environment and restricting the cognitive development of college students. The causes of negative effects are analyzed. The fourth chapter, use network language to improve the effect of ideological and political education of college students. This paper mainly discusses four aspects, such as improving the ability of network language of educators, formulating network language norms, strengthening rational guidance to college students and constructing supervision mechanism of network language. Among them, improving educator's network language ability mainly includes two aspects: educator should rationally understand network language and strengthen educator's network language training. The establishment of network language standard mainly includes two aspects: the basic principle of norm and the basic content of norm, strengthening the rational guidance to college students, including setting up the correct view of network language and guiding college students to use network language standard; The construction of network language supervision mechanism mainly includes two aspects: the connotation of supervision mechanism and the main supervision mechanism.
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