本文选题:体育类院校 + 学生 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:人文素质是大学生整体素质构成的重要方面,对于大学生的素质提升具有方向性和引领性的重要作用。从国际高等教育的发展方向上看,加强大学生的人文素质教育是普遍的发展趋势;从国内高等教育的实践来看,由于在中学时期分科较早、升学压力较大以及其他社会因素,造成了大学生普遍存在人文意识弱化严重,人文素质令人担忧的现状。对于体育类院校术科专业的学生而言,人文素质的缺乏显得尤为突出。由于这部分群体受功利主义价值观的影响,更多关注的是专业技术学习而忽略人文素质的提高。本研究从历史和现实的角度深入对学生的人文素质现状进行客观的分析,旨在分析我国体育院校大学人文素质教育存在的问题,找出影响体育院校学生人文素质的重要因素,为更好地提高体育院校学生人文素质水平而建言献策。 本论文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法,采取随机抽样法,选取了北京体育大学、南京体育学院、沈阳体育学院、西安体育学院、上海体育学院、广州体育学院、武汉体育学院、成都体育学院等8所院校中所有体育类术科专业900名学生及部分专业课教师、公选课教师、管理、教辅人员为调查对象。 研究结果与结论:(1)在人文知识掌握方面,体育教育和社会体育两个专业要明显好于运动训练、民族传统体育和表演三个专业;但在人文思想、人文方法和人文精神等方面无明显差异。体育类院校(术科专业)大学生人文知识方面缺乏,尤其是政治、法律、科学素质掌握情况令人担忧。(2)通过对学生和教师进行“影响体育类院校(术科专业)大学生人文素质因素”调查,两者都认为个人因素对大学生人文素质影响最大。其他主要因素还包括课程因素、社会环境因素、学校因素等。(3)我国体育院校学生人文素质整体水平不高,存在着人文素质中的子因素发展不均衡现象。 相关对策:(1)发挥好“两课”教育在提高学生思想道德品质的主渠道作用;(2)树立明确的全面育人教育思想,转变学生的价值取向;(3)规划课程设置,增加人文知识课程的数量;(4)结合专业特点突出体育特色;(5)促进体育文化与人文素质的有效结合,构建良好的校园文化环境;(6)建立健全科学的教学评价体系;(7)优化教育资源配置;(8)充分结合校园内外的各项实践活动,提高学生人文素质。 研究从重视大学生人文素质教育、充分开发体育运动的文化内涵、加强大学生社会实践能力的培养等方面提出具体建议。
[Abstract]:Humanistic quality is an important aspect of the overall quality of college students, and plays an important role in promoting the quality of college students. From the perspective of the development direction of international higher education, it is a general development trend to strengthen the humanistic quality education of college students. From the practice of domestic higher education, because of the early division of subjects in the middle school period, the pressure of entering higher education and other social factors, This has resulted in the serious weakening of humanistic consciousness and the worrying humanistic quality of college students. For the students majoring in technology in physical education colleges, the lack of humanistic quality is particularly prominent. Because this group is influenced by utilitarian values, more attention is paid to the study of professional technology while neglecting the improvement of humanistic quality. From the angle of history and reality, this study makes an objective analysis on the present situation of students' humanistic quality, in order to analyze the problems existing in the humanistic quality education of our country's physical education colleges and universities, and to find out the important factors that affect the humanistic quality of the students in physical education colleges and universities. In order to better improve the humanistic quality of physical education college students and suggestions. In this paper, the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics are used to select Beijing physical Education University, Nanjing Institute of physical Education, Shenyang Institute of physical Education, Xi'an Institute of physical Education, Shanghai Institute of physical Education. There are 900 students and some teachers in Guangzhou Institute of physical Education, Wuhan Institute of physical Education, Chengdu Institute of physical Education and so on. Results and conclusions: in the aspect of mastering humanistic knowledge, physical education and social sports are obviously better than sports training, national traditional sports and performance, but in humanistic thought, There is no obvious difference between humanistic method and humanistic spirit. The lack of humanistic knowledge among the students in sports colleges (technical majors), especially in politics and law, Through the investigation of the factors that affect the humanistic quality of students in physical education colleges (technical major), both of them think that the personal factors have the greatest influence on the humanistic quality of college students. Other main factors include curriculum factors, social environment factors, school factors, etc.) the overall level of humanistic quality of physical education college students in China is not high, there is a phenomenon of unbalanced development of sub-factors in humanistic quality. Relevant countermeasures: 1) give full play to the role of "two courses" education in improving the ideological and moral quality of students; (2) set up a clear and comprehensive educational idea of educating people; change the value orientation of students; Increase the number of humanities knowledge courses (4) highlight the characteristics of sports in combination with the characteristics of the major.) promote the effective combination of sports culture and humanistic quality. To construct a good campus culture environment (6) to establish a scientific teaching evaluation system and 7) to optimize the allocation of educational resources and to fully combine the various practical activities inside and outside the campus to improve the humanistic quality of students. The paper puts forward some concrete suggestions from the following aspects: attaching importance to the humanistic quality education of college students, fully developing the cultural connotation of sports, and strengthening the cultivation of college students' social practice ability.
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