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发布时间:2018-06-07 04:06

  本文选题:当代 + 大学生 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:大学生是一个特殊的群体。他们既渴望成长,又面临纷繁复杂的社会,受着形形色色的世界观、人生观的影响。对于风华正茂的大学生而言,信仰是人生的坐标、精神的动力。有了信仰,就有了应对社会风云巨变的思想武器。随着社会的不断进步和新媒体的迅猛发展,各种思想文化也在加速融合,人们的意识形态、思想活动和生活方式正经历着激烈动荡。在社会变迁背景下,虽然当代中国大学生信仰的主流是积极、健康、向上的,但也有一部分大学生的信仰出现了危机,主要表现在信仰的缺失、迷失、不坚定,对社会主义的前途、命运产生困惑,进而对共产党的领导以及对马克思主义和共产主义的信念也不同程度地产生了动摇。当代大学生在现实环境中都会面临着一些诱惑,处理不好,就会迷失方向,走入歧途,对于今后的人生产生重大影响。我们必须认真分析中国大学生现有信仰体系的特点及社会影响因素,有的放矢地对大学生进行科学的信仰教育,走出现在信仰教育的困境。关注大学生的信仰就是建设大学生的精神家园,这是一个漫长而温柔的呵护过程,具有十分重要的意义。 本文的第一章介绍了当代中国大学生信仰的一般理论分析,对信仰的内涵、本质、特征进行了界定和分析。通过查阅资料进行分类、进行问卷调查等方法,发现大学生信仰的主要内容为神灵宗教信仰、传统道德与文化信仰、政治信仰和社会信仰。当代大学生的信仰具有多元化内容,有积极的信仰和消极的信仰之分,其信仰的功能性也具有积极功能和消极功能。如何取其精华、弃其糟粕,引导大学生科学信仰的选择,充分认识和发挥信仰在大学生中的积极功能,具有十分重要的意义。对大学生信仰的功能进行研究发现当代大学生信仰具有个体功能和社会功能。个体功能体现在信仰对个体的精神统摄作用、信仰给人以强大的精神动力、信仰对个体人格的塑造起决定性作用、信仰对个体行为的激励与约束作用等。社会功能体现在信仰促进社会主流价值观的形成、信仰促进社会全面进步、信仰促进社会和谐稳定、信仰具有政治激励作用、信仰具有科学文化创造功能、信仰对社会的导向功能等。在社会转型期社会信仰作为历史文化的精髓有着不可或缺的重要功能。对于大学生而言,面对意识形态和经济等各方面的强烈冲击,科学的信仰具有至关重要的作用。大学生具有坚定的信仰可以在纷繁复杂的社会激变大潮中寻找到自己合适的坐标,并作为社会年轻的高层次的稳定力量而起到中流砥柱的作用。在当前社会转型期大学生信仰的特殊功能体现为:可以为大学生精神文明提供新的信仰内容体系、为大学生思想政治教育提供新的路径载体、为大学生锐意创业提供新的实践体验。信仰对大学生的行为有非常重要的影响。表现在信仰对学习的影响、对交往的影响、对择业的影响、对认知的影响等各个方面。 本文采取理论和实证相结合的方法进行研究,对当代中国大学生信仰的调查分析分为问卷调查和访谈调查两种形式进行。论文的第二章通过对当代中国大学生信仰问题调查问卷和访谈情况分析,总结了当代大学生信仰的现状、特点及发展趋势。其中针对当代大学生信仰问题调查问卷设计进行了分析,包括调查对象、调查内容和调查方法;在访谈调查中针对访谈的对象、目的、内容、方法等进行了论述。根据问卷和访谈的结果,对当代大学生信仰问题现状调研的情况进行分类统计,分别是:当代大学生信仰的基本情况、当代大学生信仰观念及信仰的影响力调研分析、当代大学生在信仰的内容和特性方面调研分析、当代大学生在信仰的社会性方面调研分析和当代大学生对信仰教育态度的调研分析,发现当代中国大学生的信仰的现状为:信仰体系更加开放化、信仰的内容趋于世俗化、信仰的选择更加透明化、信仰的传播方式更加科技化、信仰的选择更加透明化。根据对当代大学生信仰的特点及原因分析总结出当代大学生的信仰具有时代性特点、多元性特点和开放性特点。在问卷和访谈调查的基础上,洞悉当代大学生信仰发展趋势,即全球化时代大学生信仰逐步走向复兴和重塑、多元文化引导下大学生信仰个性化发展倾向和马克思主义信仰在重建过程中逐步摆脱“边缘化”地位。 马克思和恩格斯是马克思主义信仰的创立者,马克思主义是关于人类解放的理论,是以客观规律为依据的科学理论。马克思主义的科学体系中,每一个部分都包含着对客观规律的揭示。马克思主义体系也是科学与价值的统一。然而,当代中国大学生马克思主义信仰在复杂的环境下面临着严重的挑战,作为主导地位的马克思主义信仰正在经受一定的冲击,他们出现了价值取向的多元化嬗变和信仰的危机,最根本原因是理想与现实之间存在强烈的反差。但是,就马克思主义信仰的发展来看,所谓的危机仅仅是整个过程的一小片段,是暂时性的,人们在总体上对马克思主义信仰的科学性没有彻底的否定,如何引导当代中国大学生正确认识并发展马克思主义信仰是每一个教育者都应该深入思考的问题。通过调查发现,当代中国大学生中的马克思信仰者和马克思信仰团体是马克思主义信仰在当代大学生中的坚定支持者和拥护者。在此之外,不少大学生游离于马克思主义信仰和其他信仰之间,有的根本没有信仰甚至没有从内心认同马克思主义信仰。马克思主义信仰在当代中国大学生中的主流地位面临挑战的原因是多样的,有大学生自身的内部因素,也有社会环境等外部因素,但是形成这种危机的消极影响是广泛存在的,我们必须正视这种影响,并考虑克服。因此,引导大学生在对信仰做出理性的思考后,接踵而来的就是马克思主义信仰的大发展。 当代大学生对于信仰的要求,更大程度和更高层次上满足自我需要,是他们信仰问题的普遍心理和共同期望。第四章分析了当代中国大学生马克思主义信仰的选择与生成。对于当代中国大学生面对信仰的多元化选择,研究了他们是如何分辨和取舍的,他们在选择自己的信仰的时候价值判断标准是什么,他们选择的特点是什么都是值得我们研究的问题。通过问卷调查分析,当代中国大学生信仰选择与生成过程分三步:信仰的主流地位的获得、个体对于信仰认同和群体认同。信仰的选择与生成具有非常重要的意义。论文从信仰的选择对于信仰主体的意义和对于客观世界的意义两方面来分析。通过调查问卷和访谈,总结了当代中国大学生马克思主义信仰选择与生成意义和当代中国大学生信仰选择与生成的特点,即大学生马克思主义信仰选择具有动态性、层次性、关联性等特点。最后研究了大学生马克思主义的信仰选择与生成机制,即建立良好的信仰信息沟通渠道、注重引导大学生信仰选择的原则和技巧等。对信仰选择的过程实际上是一个价值的判断过程,这些价值观念会影响大学生的人生观和价值观。 第五章论述了大学生马克思主义信仰的教育。在当代大学生中,加强马克思主义信仰教育、构建马克思主义信仰体系,使马克思主义信仰继续成为当代中国社会的主导信仰就成了马克思主义信仰重塑的目标。马克思主义信仰教育需要遵循一定的原则,即让大学生正确理解并把握马克思主义信仰的实质内涵,了解马克思主义信仰是当代中国的主导信仰,但不是唯一信仰,马克思主义信仰的主导地位不是天生的,而是经过不断发展认识的过程。马克思主义信仰教育的基本路径为:实施青年马克思主义培养工程,在学生骨干中培养忠实的青年马克思主义者,这是马克思主义信仰教育的第一步,理论创新是马克思主义信仰教育的前提条件、实践创新是马克思主义信仰教育的活力源泉、理论与实践相结合是马克思主义信仰教育的根本方法,实现传播方式多样化是马克思主义信仰教育的重要途径、新媒体的发展和运用是马克思主义信仰教育的重要平台,中国特色社会主义建设是大学生马克思主义信仰教育的现实保证。 在社会转型的关键时期,我们应当坚决把当代中国大学生的马克思主义信仰建设纳入到中国特色社会主义建设的整体中,逐步实现二者的协调、同步发展。应当积极构建社会主义核心价值体系来引导大学生的价值观念的养成和坚定,具有十分重要的意义。
[Abstract]:College students are a special group. They are eager to grow up and face the complex and complicated society. They are influenced by the world outlook and the outlook on life. For the high school students, faith is the coordinate of life and the motive force of the spirit. With the belief, there is an ideological weapon to cope with the great changes in the society. With the rapid development of progress and the new media, all kinds of ideology and culture are also accelerating. People's ideology, ideological activities and ways of life are experiencing intense turbulence. In the context of social change, although the mainstream of contemporary Chinese college students' belief is positive, healthy, and upward, there are also some of the beliefs of college students. The lack of belief, lost, undetermined, confused about the future of socialism, the fate of the Communist Party and the belief in Marx's doctrine and communism have been shaken in different degrees. We must carefully analyze the characteristics of the existing belief system and the social influence factors of the existing Chinese college students. We must take a definite target for the scientific belief education of college students and follow the plight of the belief education. The long and tender caring process is of great significance.
The first chapter of this article introduces the general theoretical analysis of the contemporary Chinese college students' belief, defines and analyzes the connotation, nature and characteristics of the belief. The main contents of the college students' belief are divine religious belief, traditional moral and cultural belief, political belief and society. Faith. The beliefs of contemporary college students have diversified contents, positive beliefs and negative beliefs. The function of their beliefs also has positive and negative functions. It is very important to take the essence and discard the dross, to guide the choice of scientific belief of college students, to fully understand and give full play to the positive function of belief in college students. The study of the function of College Students' belief found that the belief of contemporary college students has individual function and social function. The function of the individual is embodied in the spiritual command of the belief to the individual, the faith gives the strong spiritual power, the belief plays a decisive role in the molding of the individual personality, and the belief has the incentive and restraint effect on the individual behavior. Social functions are reflected in the formation of the social mainstream values of belief, the promotion of social progress, the promotion of social harmony and stability, the political motivation of belief, the creation function of science and culture, the guiding function of belief to society, and so on. For college students, in the face of the strong impact of Ideological and economic aspects, scientific belief plays a vital role. The firm belief of college students can find their own suitable coordinates in the complex and complex social shock tide, and as a young and high level stability force for the society. In the current social transition period, the special functions of College Students' belief are as follows: it can provide a new belief system for college students' spiritual civilization, provide a new path carrier for college students' Ideological and political education, and provide a new practical experience for college students to be keen to start a business. The important influence is manifested in the influence of belief on learning, on the influence of communication, on the influence of employment, on the influence of cognition and so on.
In this paper, a combination of theoretical and empirical methods is used to study, and the investigation and analysis of contemporary Chinese college students' beliefs are divided into two forms: questionnaire survey and interview survey. The second chapter of the thesis summarizes the present situation, characteristics and characteristics of the contemporary college students' belief through the analysis of the questionnaire and interviews of the contemporary Chinese college students' belief problems. The questionnaire design of the contemporary college students' belief problem is analyzed, including the object of investigation, the content and the method of investigation. In the interview survey, the object, purpose, content and method of the interview are discussed. According to the results of the questionnaire and interview, the situation of the present situation of the present college students' belief is studied. The basic situation of the contemporary college students' belief, the investigation and analysis of the influence of the beliefs and beliefs of the contemporary college students, the investigation and analysis of the content and the characteristics of the contemporary college students, the investigation and analysis of the sociality of the contemporary college students and the investigation and analysis of the attitude of the students to the belief in the belief of the generation of the students of the generation. The present and contemporary Chinese college students' beliefs are as follows: the belief system is more open, the content of belief tends to be secularized, the choice of faith is more transparent, the communication mode of faith is more scientific and scientific, the choice of faith is more transparent. The belief of contemporary college students is summarized and summarized according to the characteristics and reasons of the contemporary college students' belief. The characteristics of the times, the characteristics of diversity and openness. On the basis of the questionnaire and interview survey, we know the trend of the development of the contemporary college students' belief, that is, the belief of college students in the era of globalization is gradually rejuvenation and reshaping, and the tendency of individualized development of College Students' belief and the Marx belief in the process of reconstruction gradually get rid of under the guidance of multiculturalism. "Marginalization" status.
Marx and Engels are the founders of the Marx belief. Marx is the theory of human liberation and the scientific theory based on the objective law. In the scientific system of Marx, each part contains the revelation of the objective law. The Marx doctrine system is also the unity of science and value. However, the contemporary era is the same. The Marx belief of Chinese college students is facing a serious challenge in the complex environment. As a dominant Marx belief, the belief is undergoing a certain impact. They have appeared the diversification of value orientation and the crisis of belief. The most fundamental reason is the strong contrast between the ideal and the reality. But, the Marx Lord is the main reason. In the view of the development of the righteous belief, the so-called crisis is only a small fragment of the whole process and is temporary. In general, people have no thorough negation of the scientificity of Marx's belief. How to guide the correct understanding and development of the Marx belief of contemporary Chinese college students is a question that every educator should think deeply. A survey found that the Marx believers and the Marx belief groups of contemporary Chinese college students are the strong supporters and supporters of Marx's belief in contemporary college students. In addition, many college students have dissociated between Marx's belief and other beliefs, and some have no faith or even the inner identity of Mark. The mainstream position of the Marx belief in the contemporary Chinese college students is faced with a variety of factors, such as the internal factors of the college students themselves, and the external factors of the social environment. But the negative effects of this crisis are widespread. We must face this effect and consider overcoming it. Therefore, we should guide them. The rational development of belief in college students is followed by the great development of Marx's belief.
In the fourth chapter, the fourth chapter analyzes the choice and formation of the contemporary Chinese college students' belief in the belief of the Chinese college students. Discrimination and trade-offs, what is the value judgment standard when they choose their own beliefs and what are the characteristics of their choice are worthy of our study. Through a questionnaire survey, the selection and generation process of contemporary Chinese college students' beliefs are divided into three steps: the acquisition of the main stream of belief, the identity of the individual and the group. The choice and creation of belief is of great significance. The thesis analyzes the meaning of belief and the significance of the objective world in two aspects. Through the questionnaire and interview, this paper summarizes the choice and creation significance of the contemporary Chinese college students' Marx doctrine belief and the choice of the contemporary Chinese college students' belief. The characteristic of the formation is that the choice of Marx doctrine of college students is dynamic, hierarchical and related. Finally, it studies the belief selection and formation mechanism of College Students' Marx doctrine, that is, to establish good communication channels for faith information and to guide the principles and techniques of choosing the belief of College Students and so on. The process of belief selection is practical. It is a judgement process of value, which will affect the outlook on life and values of college students.
The fifth chapter discusses the education of the Marx belief of college students. Among the contemporary college students, strengthening the Marx belief education, constructing the Marx belief system and making the Marx belief continue to become the leading belief of the contemporary Chinese society will become the goal of the reshaping of the Marx doctrine. The Marx belief education needs to comply with the faith education. According to certain principles, it is to let the college students understand and grasp the essence of the belief of Marx doctrine correctly and understand that the belief of Marx doctrine is the dominant belief of contemporary China, but not the only belief. The leading position of the Marx doctrine is not natural, but the process of continuous development and understanding. The basis of Marx's belief education is the basis of the belief. This path is to implement the youth Marx doctrine training project and cultivate the faithful young Marx doctrine among the student backbone. This is the first step of the Marx belief education. The theoretical innovation is the prerequisite for Marx's belief education, and the practice innovation is the source of the vitality of Marx's belief education and the combination of theory and practice. It is the fundamental method of the education of Marx's belief, and the realization of the diversification of the mode of communication is an important way for the education of the faith of Marx. The development and application of the new media are the important platform for the education of Marx's belief, and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the real guarantee for the education of Marx's belief in college students.
In the critical period of social transformation, we should firmly integrate the Marx Belief Construction of contemporary Chinese college students into the whole of the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, gradually realize the coordination and synchronous development of the two parties. We should actively construct the socialist core value system to guide the formation and determination of the values of college students. It's very important.


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