本文选题:大学生 + 创业 ; 参考:《安徽工业大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:It is a new task and requirement for colleges and universities in the new period to guide college students to set up entrepreneurial consciousness, cultivate entrepreneurial spirit, master entrepreneurial skills and devote themselves to entrepreneurial practice. The research and construction of university students' entrepreneurship guidance system can enrich the contents of college students' entrepreneurship guidance, perfect the course system of college students' entrepreneurship guidance, broaden the path of college students' entrepreneurship guidance, and construct a practical platform for college students' entrepreneurship. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to form the guidance and guarantee system for college students' entrepreneurship, to strengthen and improve the guiding work of college students' entrepreneurship, and to cultivate students' entrepreneurial spirit and ability. Domestic research on entrepreneurship guidance for college students started late, and focused on the theoretical aspects of research, but also lack of systematic construction of entrepreneurship guidance system for college students. In the curriculum system, teacher strength, security system and other aspects there are still shortcomings. In western developed countries, the research on entrepreneurship education for college students started early, forming a systematic entrepreneurial theory and practice system. The rich experience of overseas universities' entrepreneurship guidance and the preliminary practice of domestic entrepreneurship pilot colleges and Anhui University of Technology students' entrepreneurship, for this study in clear entrepreneurial guidance goals, Paying attention to the guidance of entrepreneurship practice and the construction of entrepreneurial security system provide useful reference and inspiration. In order to construct the guidance system of college students' entrepreneurship, we must adhere to the Marxist view of practice, the overall development view of human beings and the theory of moral education, make clear the concept of college students' entrepreneurship, the connotation of the guidance of entrepreneurship, and construct the core elements of the guiding system of entrepreneurship. In order to guide college students, we should set up a guiding target system of entrepreneurship from the aspects of setting up entrepreneurial consciousness, stimulating entrepreneurship, cultivating entrepreneurial ability, innovating quality and innovating skills, forming the course of entrepreneurship theory, setting up professional course of entrepreneurship, and so on. Three kinds of courses of entrepreneurship practice construct the course system of entrepreneurship guidance, which is used to carry out systematic entrepreneurship education and guidance to college students, and to construct the system of entrepreneurship guidance from the aspects of organizational leadership mechanism, teaching management system and incentive and assessment mechanism. It can provide guidance and support for college students to accept the guidance of entrepreneurship and provide guidance and support for entrepreneurial practice, and construct an entrepreneurial guidance and guarantee system from the aspects of policy, teachers, practical platform, service and environment, so as to provide conditions and environmental support for university students to start their own businesses. It is necessary to construct an evaluation system of entrepreneurship with the participation of government, society, universities, enterprises and college students, so as to promote the effectiveness of entrepreneurship guidance for college students and the development of entrepreneurial practice.
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