本文选题:大学生 + 自立自强 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:自立自强的精神品质,起源由来已久。早在原始社会时期,中国的远古先人就在日常的生产活动中养成了自立自强的精神特性,随着社会的发展,文字产生之后,自立自强精神更是被灌输到中国的古文化当中,并在一些典籍中有着明确的记载。例如:关于自立的述说,《礼记·儒行》中就有记载,“儒有席上之珍以待聘,夙夜强学以待问,怀忠信以待举,力行以待取,其自立有如此者”,寓意很明显,就是以自己的才能去做一番事业。“自强”一词,无论是在古代还是在现代,出现的频率始终很高,而且其形式也多样。例如在《礼记·学记》中说到了,一个人学习在遇到挫折时就应该:“知困,然后能自强也”;《易经》中“天行健,君子以自强不息”这样的绝世警句,肯定了自立自强在中国人文化精神中所占的重要地位,并对后世中国人精神品质的培养产生了重要影响。 新时期,大学生是祖国新的希望,是建设社会主义的栋梁之才,肩负建设新中国的重要使命;因此,锻铸大学生自立自强的高尚品质尤为突出。此次关于大学生自立自强品质锻铸的研究,将从当代社会境况出发,在实践的基础上展开分析,以历史文献、记转内容、相关研究资料和研究成果为依据,提出正确的价值导向;并着眼于当今时代特点和当代大学生的精神特点,最终做出宏观的、整体的判断,从而使得新时期环境下,怎样更好的锻铸大学生自立自强的高尚品质。
[Abstract]:The spiritual quality of self-reliance and self-improvement has a long history. As early as the primitive society, the ancient ancestors of China developed the spiritual characteristics of self-reliance and self-improvement in their daily production activities. With the development of society and the emergence of words, the spirit of self-reliance and self-improvement was even more instilled in the ancient Chinese culture. And in some ancient books there are clear records. For example, the account of self-reliance is recorded in the Book of Rites of Confucianism: "Confucianism has a precious scholar waiting to be hired, an early and night strong study to be asked, loyalty and faith to be held, deeds to be carried out, and there is such a thing in his independence." the implication is very clear. Is to do something with your own talent. The word "self-strengthening", whether in ancient or modern times, has always appeared in a high frequency, and its forms are also diverse. For example, it is mentioned in the Book of Rites that a person should learn when he encounters setbacks: "know your difficulties and then be able to make yourself stronger." in the Book of changes, "when the sky is strong, the gentleman will keep improving." It affirms the important position of self-reliance and self-improvement in Chinese cultural spirit, and has an important influence on the cultivation of Chinese spiritual quality in later generations. In the new era, college students are the new hope of the motherland, the pillars of building socialism, and shoulder the important mission of building new China; therefore, the noble quality of forging college students to be self-supporting and self-strengthening is particularly prominent. The research on self-supporting and self-strengthening quality forging and casting of college students will proceed from the contemporary social situation and carry out analysis on the basis of practice, based on historical documents, memorization of contents, relevant research materials and research results. This paper puts forward the correct value orientation, and focuses on the characteristics of the present era and the spiritual characteristics of contemporary college students, and finally makes a macro and overall judgment, so that how to better forge the noble quality of college students' self-reliance and self-improvement in the new era.
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