本文选题:动画教学 + 创新能力 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:近几年来,中国动画教育随着时代的发展及动画产业的需要而蓬勃发展,动画产业是一个以创意为核心,以动画、漫画、游戏等为表现形式的新兴产业,由于在经济上的高回报率,在形式上的绿色环保,在人文上的引导作用,使得国务院在2006年转发了财政部等10部委《关于推动我国动漫产业发展的若干意见》,提出对动画产业提供政策支持与资金扶持。顺应这一潮流,我国的动画教育事业在近几年以较快的速度在发展,但在快速发展的背后,问题与困难同在,制约其发展的瓶颈主要来自师资、投入、教学理念与方法等方面。动画教学本身就是一种创新教育,它不同于传统艺术的教育,同时与其他新型艺术门类教育又有所不同,动画教学在朝向积极健康方向发展的同时,也会不可避免的暴露出诸多问题:一是师资问题。师资问题是困扰高等院校动画教学的首要问题,这其中既有社会的原因也有动画产业自身特点的缘故。二是动画教学定位与目标不明确。凡从事教育事业的人都知道这样一个道理的:“教学的定位与目标决定着教育成果的有效性与高度性,而准确的教学定位与明确的教学目标直接影响教学质量。”[1]从宏观上讲,作为动画教学的高等院校,其教学定位大多为“培养掌握本专业新技术,且具有综合素质的创新型或应用型艺术人才”,而以“培养熟练掌握动画制作的技能型人才”为培养目标的教学单位却很少,这就导致近几年来动画企业在引进动画人才时出现了企业缺人,毕业生难找工作的现象,三是教学投入严重不足。因为动画专业对于大部分院校而言是新兴专业,基础较薄弱,动画专业的开办,并不是有几台计算机几部手绘板就可以满足动画教学的实践,动画教育需要专业的教学场地和专业设施,同时更需要专业的图书资料,其投入是比较大的,许多课程实践环节可能会因条件的限制而面临被“砍掉”或“缺斤短两”。 本文主要分为理论研究和现状调查两大部分:在理论的研究部分中,首先参考前人研究的理论基础,对当前动画教育进行了系统性的逻辑推理,得出成功的动画教育应该具备的关键因素,然后对动画设计领域教学的政策方针结合国家十二五规划进行分析研究;现状调查部分,笔者主要采用了实地考察、访谈、问卷调查等方式,把考察范围划分为211大学、二本学院和高职高专院校三大区域,针对目前动画设计领域教学现状进行调查研究。根据调查结果显示,目前动画设计领域的教学现状主要存在以下三个方面的问题:教学指导性政策落实不到位、动画设计配套资源匮乏、动画教师的技能与动画产业发展脱轨、动画教学中的理论与实际脱离。造成该问题的最重要的原因是各大院校的办学思想的问题,其次学校领导和相关职能部门对动画设计领域教育教学工作不予重视,监管不力,再次是目前动画设计课程体系设置与实际脱轨。文章的最后部分也是论文的重点部分,根据笔者的调查结果,针对动画教育出现的问题提出相应对策:一、坚定落实教学指导性政策,确保动画设计领域教学有效实施;二、充分配置动画配套教学资源。三、加强动画教师的师资建设四、注重培养学生的创新能力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, Chinese animation education has flourished with the development of the times and the needs of the animation industry. The animation industry is a new industry with creativity as the core, animation, comic, game and so on. Because of the high rate of return on the economy, green environmental protection in the form, and the guiding role of the humanities, the State Council is in 20 In the 06 year, the Ministry of Finance and other 10 ministries and commissions have been forwarded to some suggestions on promoting the development of the animation industry in China, and provide policy support and fund support to the animation industry. The bottleneck is mainly from the teachers, input, teaching ideas and methods. Animation teaching itself is a kind of innovation education. It is different from the traditional art education. At the same time, it is different from the other new art class education. The animation teaching will inevitably expose many problems while developing towards the positive and healthy direction. The problem of teachers is the primary problem of the teaching of animation in Colleges and universities. There are both social reasons and the characteristics of the animation industry. Two, the orientation and objectives of animation teaching are not clear. All those engaged in education know such a truth: "the orientation and goal of teaching determines the achievements of education." The effectiveness and the high degree, and the accurate teaching orientation and the clear teaching goal directly affect the quality of teaching. "[1] from the macro level, as a college of animation teaching, its teaching location is mostly" to cultivate new technology in this major, and have comprehensive quality of innovative or applied art talents ", and to" cultivate skilled hands ". In recent years, animation enterprises have appeared in the introduction of animation talents, the phenomenon of lack of people, the difficulties for graduates to find work, and the serious shortage of teaching investment. Three, because animation major is a new major and weak foundation for major colleges and universities. The opening of the animation specialty is not a few computers, which can meet the practice of animation teaching. The animation education needs professional teaching sites and professional facilities, and it also needs professional books. Its input is relatively large, and many courses can be "cut off" or "cut off" because of the constraints of conditions. Short of weight.
This article is mainly divided into two parts: theoretical research and current situation investigation. In the theoretical research part, first of all, referring to the theoretical basis of predecessors' research, systematic logical reasoning is carried out on the current animation education, and the key factors that the successful animation education should have, and then the policy and policy of the animation design field are combined with the country. In the 12th Five-Year plan, the analysis and research are carried out. In the current survey part, the author mainly uses field investigation, interview and questionnaire survey to divide the scope of investigation into 211 universities, two colleges and three areas of higher vocational colleges, and investigate the present situation of teaching in the field of animation design. There are three main problems in the teaching situation in the field of planning: the implementation of the teaching guiding policy is not in place, the supporting resources of the animation design are scarce, the skills of the animation teachers are derailed and the theory of animation teaching is divorced from the practice. The most important reason for this problem is the problem of the school running ideas of the colleges and universities. Secondly, the school leaders and relevant functional departments do not pay attention to the education and teaching work in the field of animation design, and the supervision is ineffective. Again, the course system of animation design is derailed and actual derailment. The final part of the article is also the key part of the paper. According to the results of the author's investigation, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward. We should firmly implement the guiding policy of teaching to ensure the effective implementation of teaching in the field of animation design; two, fully configure the teaching resources of animation supporting. Three, strengthen the construction of teaching teachers of animation teachers four, and pay attention to the cultivation of students' innovative ability.
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