发布时间:2018-07-13 19:34
【摘要】:“90后”大学生是成长在我国特定时代背景下的一个特殊群体,其成长所受之教育与环境,使这一群体的政治意识也呈现出不同于以往大学生的若干特点。“90后”大学生从小就处于社会经济高速发展阶段,感受到国家在最近十几年发生的变化,互联网普及使其能从网上获取大量的新鲜资讯,全球化使他们对各种文化都有所了解。在这一特定大环境成长起来的“90后”年轻大学生,他们具有很强的自我意识,自信且独立,与“70后”“80后”大学生所表现出的政治意识完全不同。因此就政治意识这一方向对“90后”大学生展开特定的研究分析,对“90后”大学生进行正确的政治意识培养是现代环境下高校的思想政治教育中一项非常重要的工作。 “90后”大学生的群体政治意识状况以及加强群体政治意识,不仅关系着大学生自身的思想政治工作,也为做好大学生的思想政治工作提供有效途径,而且关系着我们国家的民主政治的稳定和发展。如何准确把握“90后”大学生政治利益的特点,如何正确引导他们进行政治表达,如何开展他们的政治意识培养是新形势下我们必须认真思考的重要理论和现实问题。加强大学生政治意识培养是克服思想政治教育广泛政治化的客观需要,是巩固党执政的青年基础的重要组成部分。 本文力求分析正确认识、引导大学生群体政治意识健康发展的特殊性和重要性,提出有关优化大学生群体政治意识效果的方法和措施。运用马克思主义政治学理论与实际相结合,试图将大学生在集体的学习合作中逐步意识到竞争的社会中有比竞争更重要的东西,那就是群体政治意识,没有了群体政治意识,人类的进步与发展将会受到限制。通过同伴间积极向上的相互影响提高学习效率,并共享资源与成果,从而培养合作精神和人际交往能力。把握我国大学生群体政治意识培养现状以及其发展的特点,对其进行深入的调查研究,同我国现阶段社会的思想政治工作建设相结合,针对学生思想政治建设做出一些真正的改进。 本论文的研究共涉及三个方面的工作,具体分类如下: 引论部分对本文的研究背景、研究意义、主要研究内容及方法进行介绍,确定本文研究主题的框架。 正文部分拟分三部分进行论述。第一部分主要是政治意识的概述部分。首先,分别界定了政治认知、政治态度和政治信任。然后,,分析了政治意识教育与思想政治教育的关系。第二部分,着重对“90后”大学生政治意识状况进行调查与分析然后指出“90后”大学生政治意识存在的问题及产生的原因。第三部分,对“90后”大学生政治意识的培养提出可行性对策。对大学生的群体政治意识与我国的政治发展、政治稳定之间的关系进行研究,进而要求大力建设社会主义核心价值体系和思想政治文明体系,并提出了利用新思路和新举措对大学生的群体思想政治意识进行引导,使之朝着良性方向发展。 结束语。对本文的研究内容进行结论总结,并对本文的创新性进行归纳并对培养大学生政治意识提出科学的指导。
[Abstract]:The " 90 th " college students are a special group growing up in the background of our country ' s specific times . The education and the environment of the growth of the college students are different from those of the former college students . After 90 years of age , the college students are in the high - speed development stage of the social economy . The popularization of the Internet makes them know all kinds of cultures . Therefore , in this direction , they have a strong sense of self - awareness , self - confidence and independence .
The ideological and political work of college students is not only related to the ideological and political work of college students , but also to the stability and development of the democratic politics of our country . How to correctly grasp the characteristics of the political interests of the students after 90 years , how to carry out their political awareness training is an important theory and practical problem that we must think seriously under the new situation .
This paper tries to analyze correctly the particularity and importance of the healthy development of college students ' political consciousness , and put forward some methods and measures to optimize the political consciousness of college students .
The research of this paper involves three aspects , which are as follows :
The introduction part introduces the research background , research significance , main research contents and methods of this paper , and determines the framework of the subject .
The first part focuses on the political awareness , political attitude and political trust , then analyzes the relationship between political consciousness education and ideological and political education .
The conclusion of this paper is summarized , and the innovation of this paper is summarized and the scientific guidance is put forward to the cultivation of college students ' political consciousness .
[Abstract]:The " 90 th " college students are a special group growing up in the background of our country ' s specific times . The education and the environment of the growth of the college students are different from those of the former college students . After 90 years of age , the college students are in the high - speed development stage of the social economy . The popularization of the Internet makes them know all kinds of cultures . Therefore , in this direction , they have a strong sense of self - awareness , self - confidence and independence .
The ideological and political work of college students is not only related to the ideological and political work of college students , but also to the stability and development of the democratic politics of our country . How to correctly grasp the characteristics of the political interests of the students after 90 years , how to carry out their political awareness training is an important theory and practical problem that we must think seriously under the new situation .
This paper tries to analyze correctly the particularity and importance of the healthy development of college students ' political consciousness , and put forward some methods and measures to optimize the political consciousness of college students .
The research of this paper involves three aspects , which are as follows :
The introduction part introduces the research background , research significance , main research contents and methods of this paper , and determines the framework of the subject .
The first part focuses on the political awareness , political attitude and political trust , then analyzes the relationship between political consciousness education and ideological and political education .
The conclusion of this paper is summarized , and the innovation of this paper is summarized and the scientific guidance is put forward to the cultivation of college students ' political consciousness .
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