[Abstract]:In modern society, universities are regarded as "power stations" for the development of human society. In order to enter this power station, the enrollment system of colleges and universities is one of the important parts of higher education system. It is the bridge and link between university and middle school, which has an important influence on the quality of college students and the teaching and learning of secondary education. At present, China's higher education has entered the stage of popularization, and more people are eager to receive higher education. Access to higher education, especially to a few quality universities, has become the focus of attention. The United States is a typical decentralized country, there is no national unified enrollment system of institutions of higher learning. Different enrollment systems between states, between school districts, and between colleges and universities. 2. If the overall enrollment system of American institutions of higher learning is discussed, the study is often too broad and difficult to go deep. Therefore, the author chooses Harvard University as a profound and concrete case study to deepen the understanding of the admission system of the world-class universities. Harvard University has an independent legal personality since it was allowed to establish the university, has a high degree of autonomy in recruiting students, adheres to the concept of meritocracy education, and implements an enrollment policy of "no need". Adopting diverse admission standards and flexible enrollment methods, establishing a strict and long-term tracking enrollment supervision mechanism. It recruits talented students from a wide range of backgrounds and strives to create a diverse campus environment. This paper is composed of five parts. The basic contents are as follows: the introduction explains the idea of the topic, research problems, research status, research ideas, research objectives, research significance, research methods and core concepts. In the first part, the history of Harvard enrollment is divided into three stages: aristocratic philosophy orientation, meritocracy philosophy orientation and equal philosophical orientation. The formation and development of Harvard enrollment and the main characteristics of different stages are traced back. In the second part, the author analyzes the composition of the independent enrollment system of Harvard University from the five aspects of enrollment goal, enrollment policy, enrollment standard, enrollment method and enrollment organization, and explores the main reasons for its formation: indirect government intervention and effective regulation of the market. Cultural tradition edification, talent training goal orientation and multiple intelligences theory influence. The third part introduces the specific implementation process of Harvard undergraduate's independent enrollment from five aspects: enrollment publicity process, application process, review process, interview process and admission process. On this basis, this paper analyzes the influence of the independent admission system on Harvard and other universities, middle schools and applicants. The fourth part summarizes the characteristics of Harvard University undergraduate's independent enrollment system, including the meritocracy of enrollment idea, the diversity of enrollment policy, the diversity of enrollment standards, the specialization of admission institutions and the internationalization of enrollment objects. At the same time, it reveals the limitations of the independent admission system for undergraduate students at Harvard University. The main problems are that the standardized tests are difficult to predict the late achievements of the university, and the preferential enrollment policy towards ethnic minorities has led to new educational unfairness. Increase the burden of applicants and competitive pressure, high recruitment costs and time-consuming.
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