[Abstract]:With the advent of the network era and the rapid development and universal application of Internet technology in China, a new human communication mode-network communication has been created. Especially in the college students, network communication has been unconsciously integrated into their learning, life, and has become an indispensable part of their daily life and learning. We should see that college students are in a critical period or even a turning point in their life history. The impact of network communication on college students includes thinking patterns, cognitive and behavioral patterns, and so on. Also to their thought idea also produced the effect which cannot be ignored. During the college period, it is the key period for the formation of college students' life values. Because of the characteristics of virtual, open, quick and so on, network communication has caused more or less influence to the college students' life values. Everything has two sides. In addition to the positive influence of network communication on college students' life values, since the ideological and psychological mechanisms of college students have not yet developed and mature, cognitive ability has not yet been fully formed. Judging the way and content of network communication, their ability to distinguish is not strong, and they are susceptible to the negative influence of network communication because of their perceptual understanding of the authenticity and inferiority of information in network communication. Therefore, we should give full play to the positive value of network communication on college students' values of life, and take corresponding countermeasures to strengthen their ability to resist the negative effects. Urge them to set up correct life values in the positive network communication. This article regards college students as the object of study. First of all, starting with the essence of human communication, this paper analyzes Marx and Engels' understanding of communication, analyzes the network communication under Marxist communication theory, and further expounds the connotation of network communication. Secondly, it discusses the meaning and characteristics of college students' life values, and further expounds that network communication is one of the important factors influencing college students' life values. Through the analysis of the questionnaire survey of college students' network communication, this paper focuses on the positive and negative impact of network communication on college students' life values. Finally, it expounds the path of network communication's influence on college students' life values, respectively from the Internet itself. This paper analyzes the three angles of educators and college students themselves and puts forward corresponding countermeasures in order to bring into play the positive effect of network communication on college students' life values and to reduce the negative influence of network communication on college students' life values.
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