发布时间:2018-07-16 10:21
【摘要】:当代大学生是社会主义事业的接班人和建设者,是祖国的未来,民族的希望。当代大学生毕业后将奔赴祖国四面八方,进入社会各个岗位,肩负起建设祖国的历史重任,他们的团队合作意识如何将直接关系到他们能否适应社会需要,能否在市场经济的发展中立足,能否为国家、为社会作出自己应有的贡献,能否真正成为社会主义事业的可靠接班人和合格建设者等等具有举足轻重的作用。因此,加强当代大学生团队精神培养显得尤为迫切,同时,这也是当前高校培养高素质人才的一项内在要求。在高校开展思想政治教育,推行素质教育的根本目的在于培养全面发展的优秀人才,而基本的知识技能、良好的道德品质、正确的团队精神都是优秀人才必不可少的因素。因此,如何对当代大学生进行团队精神培养已经成为世界各国政府和教育部门高度重视的研究课题。本文从思想政治教育的角度,着眼于我国高校当代大学生群体,旨在对当代大学生团队精神培养现状进行系统分析的基础上,探究当代大学生团队精神培养的有效途径。 论文以马克思主义集体主义思想、关于人的全面发展思想为指导,对国内外当代大学生团队精神研究成果的发展动态进行了较为全面的综述,从团队及团队精神的基本概念入手,厘清了团队与群体的区别,归纳了当代大学生团队精神的特点,进而论述了当代大学生团队精神培养的重要意义。通过问卷调查、实地采访的方式,了解了当代大学生团队精神的基本现状,客观分析了当代大学生团队精神缺失的状况,从个人、家庭、学校、社会多层面总结出当代大学生团队精神缺失的原因。在此基础上,系统探讨了当代大学生团队精神培养的原则与途径:当代大学生团队精神培养应该遵循集体主义原则、以学生为本的原则、知行统一的原则、互助共进的原则、循序渐进的原则。从思想观念,教育载体,培育机制等方面提出了当代大学生团队精神培养的具体措施,即以社会主义核心价值体系引领当代大学生团队精神培养,立足于思想政治教育主渠道和教学模式创新等手段进行当代大学生团队精神培养,依托学习型社团建设和完善各项合作培育机制来推动当代大学生团队精神培养,在家庭、学校、社会的共同努力下,,通过社会实践活动日常化、专业化、社会化,构建当代大学生团队精神培养的合作机制。以期对当代大学生团队精神培育有一点小小的参考价值。
[Abstract]:Contemporary college students are the successors and builders of socialist cause, the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen the cultivation of the team spirit of contemporary college students, and at the same time, it is an inherent requirement for colleges and universities to cultivate high-quality talents. Therefore, how to cultivate the team spirit of contemporary college students has become a research topic that governments and education departments all over the world attach great importance to. The reasons for the lack of team spirit of contemporary college students are summed up in various aspects of society. The principle of gradual progress With the joint efforts of school and society, the cooperative mechanism of cultivating the team spirit of contemporary college students is constructed through the daily, specialized and socialized social practice activities. With a view to the cultivation of the team spirit of contemporary college students have a little reference value.
[Abstract]:Contemporary college students are the successors and builders of socialist cause, the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen the cultivation of the team spirit of contemporary college students, and at the same time, it is an inherent requirement for colleges and universities to cultivate high-quality talents. Therefore, how to cultivate the team spirit of contemporary college students has become a research topic that governments and education departments all over the world attach great importance to. The reasons for the lack of team spirit of contemporary college students are summed up in various aspects of society. The principle of gradual progress With the joint efforts of school and society, the cooperative mechanism of cultivating the team spirit of contemporary college students is constructed through the daily, specialized and socialized social practice activities. With a view to the cultivation of the team spirit of contemporary college students have a little reference value.
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