发布时间:2018-07-18 07:19
【摘要】:回族是中国少数民族中人口较多的一个民族,现有回族1200万,仅次于壮族而位居第二。宁夏是中国惟一的省级回族自治区,被誉为“中国的穆斯林省”。据第六次全国人口普查公布的数据显示,截止2010年11月1日,宁夏总人口约为630万人。其中,回族人口占全区人口总数的34.77%。 作为新一代的回族穆斯林,回族大学生的身份认同和宗教信仰可以从一个侧面折射出这个群体的思想观念和价值取向。本文通过问卷调查和个案访谈两种方式,对回族大学生这一特殊群体的身份认同、跨文化族际交往对其就业地选择方面的影响进行了较为深入的探讨。 笔者的调查问卷表是在Phinney的“民族认同测量量表”(MEIM,1992)基础上改编而成的。调查结果显示,,大多数宁夏籍回族大学生都有较强的民族认同感和较虔诚的伊斯兰教信仰。在就业地的选择上,他们考虑最多的是生活习惯、族内通婚等与身份认同、宗教信仰密切相关的因素,因而,绝大多数本地回族大学生都把宁夏作为日后就业和生活的首选之地。 笔者还先后与几位离开宁夏赴外地求学或工作的回族青年进行了面对面的深度交流,发现他们无论在思想观念上,抑或在价值取向上,均与当地回族大学生存在较大差异。对那些多年在外地工作和生活的回族青年来说,由于受多元文化的熏陶、濡染和影响,他们在身份认同、宗教信仰和风俗习惯等方面显得较为灵活、中立,换言之,他们适应社会的能力更强,能够以较为包容的态度对待各种文化。
[Abstract]:Hui is one of the most populous ethnic groups in China. It is now 12 million, second only to Zhuang. Ningxia is China's only provincial Hui Autonomous region, known as the "Muslim province of China." As of November 1, 2010, the population of Ningxia was about 6.3 million, according to the data released by the sixth National Census. Among them, the Hui population accounted for 34.77 percent of the total population of the region. As a new generation of Hui Muslims, the identity and religious belief of Hui college students can reflect the ideology and value orientation of this group from one side. By means of questionnaires and case interviews, this paper probes into the influence of the identity of this special group of Hui college students and the cross-cultural inter-ethnic communication on the choice of employment place. The questionnaire is based on Phinney's National identity Measurement scale (MEIMI 1992). The results show that the majority of Hui college students in Ningxia have a strong sense of national identity and religious belief in Islam. In the choice of place of employment, they consider the most important factors such as living habits, intermarriage and other factors closely related to identity and religious beliefs. The vast majority of local Hui college students regard Ningxia as the first choice for future employment and life. The author has also had a deep face-to-face exchange with several Hui youths who left Ningxia to study or work in other areas, and found that there are great differences between them and the local Hui college students in terms of ideology and value orientation. For those Hui youth who have worked and lived in other areas for many years, because of their multicultural influence, they have become more flexible and neutral in terms of identity, religious beliefs and customs, in other words, They are more capable of adapting to society and able to deal with cultures in a more inclusive manner.
[Abstract]:Hui is one of the most populous ethnic groups in China. It is now 12 million, second only to Zhuang. Ningxia is China's only provincial Hui Autonomous region, known as the "Muslim province of China." As of November 1, 2010, the population of Ningxia was about 6.3 million, according to the data released by the sixth National Census. Among them, the Hui population accounted for 34.77 percent of the total population of the region. As a new generation of Hui Muslims, the identity and religious belief of Hui college students can reflect the ideology and value orientation of this group from one side. By means of questionnaires and case interviews, this paper probes into the influence of the identity of this special group of Hui college students and the cross-cultural inter-ethnic communication on the choice of employment place. The questionnaire is based on Phinney's National identity Measurement scale (MEIMI 1992). The results show that the majority of Hui college students in Ningxia have a strong sense of national identity and religious belief in Islam. In the choice of place of employment, they consider the most important factors such as living habits, intermarriage and other factors closely related to identity and religious beliefs. The vast majority of local Hui college students regard Ningxia as the first choice for future employment and life. The author has also had a deep face-to-face exchange with several Hui youths who left Ningxia to study or work in other areas, and found that there are great differences between them and the local Hui college students in terms of ideology and value orientation. For those Hui youth who have worked and lived in other areas for many years, because of their multicultural influence, they have become more flexible and neutral in terms of identity, religious beliefs and customs, in other words, They are more capable of adapting to society and able to deal with cultures in a more inclusive manner.
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