[Abstract]:As a basic way of human existence, experience is a kind of life and life experience. Entering the world of life, presenting the real society to the students, the experience of different moral situations, the students will produce their own understanding or cognition, in this process to wake up the experience of students, and effectively touch the students' hearts, And then into the moral beliefs of students. The traditional moral education in colleges and universities is knowledge education, which emphasizes the imparting of students' morality. In fact, morality is not a dry dogma. It is the embodiment of human behavior and permeates all social relations. Only when students participate in the practice of morality can they experience and gain the content and meaning of moral norms. Based on the definition of experience and moral experience, and according to the law of moral formation, this paper attempts to discuss the significance and function of experience for college students' growth and moral cultivation. It is believed that experience can be liberated from intellectual moral education and returned to nature. Return to the world of life, so that the experiencer in their own exploration and self-choice, to achieve a deep understanding of the moral content and significance, leading students to achieve a higher moral realm. Under the guidance of Marxist materialism, the concept of development and the view of human nature, this paper draws lessons from the research results of psychology, and gives a large number of facts and examples to prove that there are some drawbacks of moral education in colleges and universities at present. On the basis of summing up the teaching practice, this paper sums up and summarizes the methods of arousing and deepening students' experience in moral education in colleges and universities.
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