[Abstract]:Colleges and universities are important bases for national scientific research and talent training. It is of great significance to study how to effectively improve the utilization efficiency of scientific and technological resources under the established situation of scientific and technological resources in colleges and universities. The evaluation of the input-output efficiency of science and technology in colleges and universities is not only helpful to solve the problems under the shortage of scientific and technological resources and the utilization efficiency of colleges and universities, but also of great significance to promoting the development of science and technology in colleges and universities. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is an important efficiency evaluation method, which has been widely used and developed rapidly in many fields because of its unique advantages. However, the determination of the effective frontier of the traditional DEA method is random, which limits the practical application of the efficiency evaluation of science and technology input-output. And the previous research on the efficiency of Inner Mongolia science and technology is mostly based on the data of a certain year, without considering the corresponding time continuity. In view of the above problems, this paper makes a quantitative analysis of the input-output efficiency of science and technology in colleges and universities in Inner Mongolia by using the generalized data envelopment analysis method based on the analysis of the scientific and technological efficiency in Inner Mongolia. Firstly, based on the input-output data of inter-provincial colleges and universities from 2003 to 2012, a longitudinal evaluation is made by using the DEA model based on panel data, and the overall efficiency of Inner Mongolia in 30 provinces and cities in China and in western China is given. Then, 9 universities in Inner Mongolia are selected as samples to analyze the input-output efficiency of science and technology between 2008 and 2012, point out the problems existing in the utilization of science and technology resources in Inner Mongolia universities, and put forward some relevant opinions. Finally, a statistical and analysis system of input and output of science and technology in colleges and universities is developed, which provides auxiliary means for efficiency analysis of input and output of science and technology in colleges and universities.
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