[Abstract]:In this study, three college students, including Anhui University, Anhui Agricultural University and Anhui Medical University, which are representative of Hefei, were selected as the research objects. This paper describes the overall situation of media contact, utilization, cognition and evaluation of college students in Hefei, as well as the differences between sexes, majors, and urban and rural areas, and analyzes the subjective and objective factors that affect the media contact, utilization and evaluation of college students. This paper probes into the problems existing in the media literacy of college students and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. The full text is divided into four parts. The first part, first, expounds the origin and significance of the study of college students' media literacy, reviews and comments on the research status and progress in related fields at home and abroad. Secondly, it defines the connotation of media and media literacy. Finally, this paper introduces the research ideas, research content and research methods. The second part describes and analyzes the overall situation of media contact and utilization, cognition and evaluation of college students. Firstly, the paper describes the media contact and utilization of college students from three aspects: time, category and way of media contact. Secondly, it describes and analyzes the college students' cognition about whether the network media will replace the traditional media and how the traditional media should be improved. Thirdly, mainly from the phenomenon of college students' excessive advertising to the media, the influence of the mass media on the values of outlook on life, the most repugnant media problems, and the choice of ways to enhance the credibility of the media. And their media literacy evaluation and other aspects of the evaluation of the relevant description and analysis. The third part analyzes the differences of media contact, cognition and evaluation among different groups of college students from gender, specialty, urban and rural areas. The results show that the media contact time, the type of contact, the frequency of watching TV channels, the habit of paperless newspapers, The media of choice and the necessity of offering mass media education courses in colleges and universities when major news events occur are closely related to gender, specialty, and the differences between urban and rural areas. College students'cognition and evaluation of media also have strong correlation with some factors. The fourth part, from the guidance and supervision of the government to the media, the social responsibility of media organization, the construction of the overall social media literacy education atmosphere, the media literacy curriculum and educational practice, parents and children to jointly improve media literacy. The strategies and suggestions of improving media literacy are put forward in the aspects of cultivating students' good habits and improving their comprehensive quality.
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