[Abstract]:In recent years, the concept of red belief of college students has appeared many times in the media and some papers, and has also been recognized by the government and the researchers of ideological and political education. However, there are not many works and articles that really regard the red faith as a special topic study. This paper tries to add the exposition of predecessors and their own understanding to a systematic and profound exposition, so that the future development space of the research can be continuously expanded. At the same time, to provide practical theoretical support for the wider application of the previous study, and finally can be combined with the actual situation, so that the practical value of the thesis can be fully used in the effectiveness of ideological and political education of college students. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part: as an introduction, mainly introduces the introduction of this paper, the basis of the topic, the current research situation at home and abroad, the basic research methods, the innovation of the paper, Prepare for the second chapter. The second part is to elaborate the red belief in detail, mainly to introduce the historical origin of the red belief, the connotation and extension of the red belief, the characteristics of the red belief and the function of the red belief. The third part: focus on the analysis of the current status of the red belief, the judgment of the contemporary youth's red belief that the mainstream is good, is a positive trend, but in some young college students, There are also the lack of red belief, the main performance is the blur of red belief, the diversity of belief, the utilitarianism and secularization of belief, the lack of social responsibility, and the prominent color of non-mainstream consciousness. The fourth part focuses on the analysis of the causes of the lack of red belief in contemporary young college students. The author believes that there are deep social reality reasons, the impact of multiculturalism, the serious corruption within the party. The disadvantages of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, the infiltration and attraction of religious beliefs, the deficiency of family education environment and the defects of young college students themselves. The fifth part: the contents and main ways of red belief education are discussed in depth. The author thinks that the main contents of red belief education include ideal and belief education, national spirit education, times spirit education, and values education. The education of Marxist theory system and the positive education of religious culture and religious policy, and so on; in the main ways of red belief education, there are the ideological and political education theory course as the main position, the campus culture of the second classroom, Practice platform of the student group organization, the external environment of the news media and hidden educational position of family education. The sixth part puts forward six suggestions on how to strengthen the effect of red belief education, that is, to speed up the construction of Marxist Red net project, to build an excellent contingent of moral education teachers, and to strengthen the influence of college students' party and caucus organization. To strengthen the construction of external environment of red belief education and to strengthen the spontaneous consciousness of Marxist theory learning in the education of contemporary young college students.
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