发布时间:2018-08-27 05:51
【摘要】:经济全球化浪潮正在席卷社会生活各领域,导致世界范围的政治、经济、文化等各个方面相互交融与激荡,这种情形不仅深刻地改变了世界的生产方式和利益格局,同时来自不同国家、民族、地域的文化交流、混杂和碰撞,形成了多元文化交汇的文化场域。这种多元文化场域中,一方面多元文化交汇促进了世界范围内各种不同思想文化的交流和碰撞,使人们的文化视野更加开阔,可以更广泛地吸纳人类优秀的文化成果;另一方面,文化的多样性带来了多元价值观在不同的领域、不同的层面的矛盾冲突和相互碰撞,深刻地改变了不同地域的人们的原有的思想观念、生活方式以及价值体系,带来诸多问题。当前在多元文化场域中多样文化的交汇也在冲击着国人对中华民族的认同,尤其是心理和生理都尚未成熟的当代大学生,他们的中华民族认同出现了前所未有的新情况、新问题,因此需要研究当前大学生的中华民族认同状况,并提出有针对性的对策来提升他们的中华民族认同。 本文借鉴了社会学、心理学研究民族(族群)认同的理论,来研究“中华民族认同”这一国族认同,运用文本研究法、对比分析法、理论联系实际法来对当前大学生的中华民族认同状况以及加强中华民族认同教育等问题进行了研究。本文共分为五部分:第一部分为绪论,包括问题的提出、国内外关于中华民族认同问题的研究现状及文献综述、研究的创新点和研究意义等;第二部分,主要就中华民族认同的内涵、实质、形成要素以及价值和特点进行了比较深刻的探讨;第三部分,深入地分析了多元文化场中当代大学生的中华民族认同问题以及其会带来的危害;第四部分,提出了必须通过实施教育影响才能强化大学生的中华民族认同,并且阐述了当代大学生中华民族认同教育的内容和内在环节;第五部分,提出了在多元文化场中我们要创新对大学生的中华民族认同教育,从明确中华民族认同教育的原则、提升中华民族认同教育的目标、开发中华民族认同教育的资源和改进中华民族认同教育的方法四个方面提出对策,以强化当代大学生的中华民族认同。
[Abstract]:The wave of economic globalization is sweeping all fields of social life, leading to the intermingling and agitation of political, economic, cultural and other aspects of the world. This situation has not only profoundly changed the mode of production and the pattern of interests in the world. At the same time from different countries, nationalities, regions of cultural exchanges, mixing and collision, forming a multicultural cultural field. In this multi-cultural field, on the one hand, the intersection of multi-cultures promotes the exchange and collision of different ideas and cultures in the world, makes people's cultural horizons more open, and can absorb more widely the outstanding cultural achievements of mankind. On the other hand, the diversity of culture has brought multiple values in different fields, different levels of contradictions, conflicts and collisions, and profoundly changed the original ideas, lifestyles and value systems of people from different regions. Cause a lot of problems. At present, the intersection of diverse cultures in the multicultural field is also impacting the Chinese people's identity to the Chinese nation, especially the contemporary college students whose psychology and physiology are not yet mature. Their Chinese national identity has appeared unprecedented new situation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the current status of college students' Chinese identity, and put forward targeted countermeasures to promote their Chinese identity. This paper draws lessons from the theory of sociology and psychology to study the national identity of the Chinese nation, and applies the text research method and the comparative analysis method to study the identity of the Chinese nation. This paper studies the status of Chinese identity of college students and strengthening the education of identity of Chinese nation by combining theory with practice. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, including the question raised, the domestic and foreign research on the issue of identity of the Chinese nation and literature review, the innovation of the research and research significance; the second part, It mainly discusses the connotation, essence, formation elements, value and characteristics of the Chinese nation's identity. The third part, This paper deeply analyzes the problem of the Chinese national identity of contemporary college students in the multicultural field and the harm it will bring. The fourth part puts forward that the Chinese identity of college students must be strengthened by carrying out the educational influence. In the fifth part, the author puts forward that we should innovate the Chinese identity education for college students in the multicultural field, and make clear the principle of Chinese identity education. In order to strengthen the Chinese identity of contemporary college students, the aim of Chinese identity education should be promoted, the resources of Chinese identity education should be developed and the methods of improving Chinese identity education should be improved.
[Abstract]:The wave of economic globalization is sweeping all fields of social life, leading to the intermingling and agitation of political, economic, cultural and other aspects of the world. This situation has not only profoundly changed the mode of production and the pattern of interests in the world. At the same time from different countries, nationalities, regions of cultural exchanges, mixing and collision, forming a multicultural cultural field. In this multi-cultural field, on the one hand, the intersection of multi-cultures promotes the exchange and collision of different ideas and cultures in the world, makes people's cultural horizons more open, and can absorb more widely the outstanding cultural achievements of mankind. On the other hand, the diversity of culture has brought multiple values in different fields, different levels of contradictions, conflicts and collisions, and profoundly changed the original ideas, lifestyles and value systems of people from different regions. Cause a lot of problems. At present, the intersection of diverse cultures in the multicultural field is also impacting the Chinese people's identity to the Chinese nation, especially the contemporary college students whose psychology and physiology are not yet mature. Their Chinese national identity has appeared unprecedented new situation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the current status of college students' Chinese identity, and put forward targeted countermeasures to promote their Chinese identity. This paper draws lessons from the theory of sociology and psychology to study the national identity of the Chinese nation, and applies the text research method and the comparative analysis method to study the identity of the Chinese nation. This paper studies the status of Chinese identity of college students and strengthening the education of identity of Chinese nation by combining theory with practice. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, including the question raised, the domestic and foreign research on the issue of identity of the Chinese nation and literature review, the innovation of the research and research significance; the second part, It mainly discusses the connotation, essence, formation elements, value and characteristics of the Chinese nation's identity. The third part, This paper deeply analyzes the problem of the Chinese national identity of contemporary college students in the multicultural field and the harm it will bring. The fourth part puts forward that the Chinese identity of college students must be strengthened by carrying out the educational influence. In the fifth part, the author puts forward that we should innovate the Chinese identity education for college students in the multicultural field, and make clear the principle of Chinese identity education. In order to strengthen the Chinese identity of contemporary college students, the aim of Chinese identity education should be promoted, the resources of Chinese identity education should be developed and the methods of improving Chinese identity education should be improved.
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