[Abstract]:Teachers are the first human resources in colleges and universities. Having a stable, high quality and high performance teaching staff is of great significance to improve the level of talent training and the quality of running a school. The theory of strategic human resource management holds that systematic practice of human resource management can bring about high performance and high employee satisfaction. From the perspective of psychological capital mediation, this paper explores the relationship between strategic human resource management and employee satisfaction in colleges and universities, and tries to find out the relationship among strategic human resource practice, teachers' positive psychological emotions and teachers' job satisfaction. In order to provide reference and suggestions for the practice of human resources management in colleges and universities in China. On the basis of summarizing the current research results of strategic human resource management, psychological capital and job satisfaction at home and abroad, this paper reviews and summarizes the strategic human resources management in colleges and universities and the job satisfaction of teachers. This paper puts forward the theoretical hypothetical model of the research, and tests the relationship among strategic human resource management, psychological capital and job satisfaction by using statistical analysis software SPSS17.0 and Lisrel8.70. The conclusion of the study basically supports the hypothesis. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. Strategic human resource management has a significant positive impact on teachers' psychological capital. Among them, selection allocation and HR planning based on strategy have a significant positive effect on the dimension of psychological capital, and incentive mechanism has a significant positive impact on the optimistic dimension. The impact of the five dimensions of strategic human resources management on resilience is not significant. 2. 2. The three dimensions of psychological capital hope, resilience and optimism have significant positive effects on job satisfaction. The strategic human resource management in colleges and universities has a significant positive effect on teachers' job satisfaction. The selection allocation and incentive mechanism have a positive effect on job satisfaction, while performance management, employee participation and strategic HR planning have no significant impact on job satisfaction. 4. The influence of strategic human resource management on teachers' job satisfaction is partly mediated by teachers' psychological capital, which plays an intermediary role between strategic human resources management and job satisfaction.
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