发布时间:2018-09-12 21:04
【摘要】:我国是发展中的人口大国,贫困人口数量巨大,同时我国又是社会主义国家,改善贫困人群的生存境遇不仅任务艰巨,更肩负凸显制度优越性的使命。贫困观是影响贫困人群生存境遇的重要因素,确立并弘扬正确的贫困观,是消减贫困对社会的困扰,改善贫困人群生活质量的重要途径。经济困难大学生是贫困人群中的特殊群体,他们的生活受贫困观的影响更为明显。以大学生为研究对象,更容易考察贫困观的现状,以及因贫困观不同而引发的结果差异,有利于揭示贫困观影响贫困人群的机理。 对J大学在校的243名经济困难大学生和169名非经济困难大学生的调查分析表明:大学生的贫困观是一种朴素贫困观,尚处于常识水平。他们在认定贫困时,存在以自己为参照点的倾向,衡量贫困的标准存在明显差异。在非经济困难大学生群体与经济困难大学生群体之间,二者的贫困观在总体上并不存在明显差异。但在非经济困难大学生眼中的贫困,认知与情感、行为相分离,其贫困观具有科学主义的取向;而经济困难大学生心中的贫困,贫困与情感融为一体,其贫困观具有强调甚至夸大消极情感体验的倾向。在经济困难大学生群体内部,贫困观有积极贫困观与消极贫困观的分野。其中,持积极贫困观的经济困难大学生,能更有效地应对贫困对其生活的困扰。 进一步的访谈分析表明,贫困观对经济困难大学生的影响有相互作用的内部心理机制和社会文化机制两条通路。内部心理机制主要包括穷人身份的认同、消极体验的固着与泛化、对欲求不满的隐忍或补偿。社会文化机制则遵循“贫困观→社会互动→社会(社区)资源配置→贫困人群的成长与发展”的逻辑发生作用。 基于贫困观影响贫困人群的内外机制,在短期无法消除贫困的现实条件下,确立并弘扬人文取向的贫困观,是反贫困和改善贫困人群生存境遇的一条新路径。这一路径突显了社会大众在反贫困中的责任与价值,对贫困理论研究和反贫困实践都具有启示意义。
[Abstract]:China is a developing country with a large population and a large number of poor people. At the same time, China is also a socialist country. It is not only a difficult task to improve the living conditions of the poor, but also shoulder the mission of highlighting the superiority of the system. The concept of poverty is an important factor that affects the living conditions of the poor people. To establish and carry forward the correct view of poverty is an important way to reduce the social distress caused by poverty and to improve the quality of life of the poor people. College students with economic difficulties are a special group among the poor, and their life is affected more obviously by the view of poverty. Taking college students as the object of study, it is easier to investigate the present situation of the view of poverty and the difference of the result caused by the different view of poverty, which is helpful to reveal the mechanism of the view of poverty affecting the poor people. The investigation and analysis of 243 underprivileged college students and 169 non-economically disadvantaged college students in J University show that the poverty view of college students is a simple view of poverty, which is still in the level of common sense. When they identify poverty, they tend to use themselves as reference points, and there are obvious differences in the criteria for measuring poverty. There is no obvious difference in the poverty view between the college students with non-economic difficulties and the college students with economic difficulties. However, in the eyes of the college students with non-economic difficulties, poverty, cognition, emotion and behavior are separated, and their view of poverty has the orientation of scientism, while the poverty, poverty and emotion in the heart of the college students with economic difficulties are integrated. His view of poverty tends to emphasize or even exaggerate negative emotional experience. Within the group of college students with economic difficulties, there is a distinction between positive and negative views of poverty. Among them, college students with positive poverty view can deal with poverty more effectively. The further interview analysis shows that there are two channels of internal psychological mechanism and sociocultural mechanism that affect the impact of poverty view on the college students with economic difficulties. The internal psychological mechanism mainly includes the identification of the poor, the consolidation and generalization of negative experience, and the tolerance or compensation for desire and dissatisfaction. The social and cultural mechanism follows the logic of "the concept of poverty and social interaction and the allocation of social (community) resources to the growth and development of the poor". Based on the internal and external mechanism which affects the poor people and under the realistic condition that the poverty can not be eliminated in the short term, it is a new way to establish and carry forward the humanist view of poverty, which is a new way to fight poverty and improve the living conditions of the poor people. This path highlights the responsibility and value of the public in the fight against poverty, and has enlightening significance for the research of poverty theory and the practice of anti-poverty.
[Abstract]:China is a developing country with a large population and a large number of poor people. At the same time, China is also a socialist country. It is not only a difficult task to improve the living conditions of the poor, but also shoulder the mission of highlighting the superiority of the system. The concept of poverty is an important factor that affects the living conditions of the poor people. To establish and carry forward the correct view of poverty is an important way to reduce the social distress caused by poverty and to improve the quality of life of the poor people. College students with economic difficulties are a special group among the poor, and their life is affected more obviously by the view of poverty. Taking college students as the object of study, it is easier to investigate the present situation of the view of poverty and the difference of the result caused by the different view of poverty, which is helpful to reveal the mechanism of the view of poverty affecting the poor people. The investigation and analysis of 243 underprivileged college students and 169 non-economically disadvantaged college students in J University show that the poverty view of college students is a simple view of poverty, which is still in the level of common sense. When they identify poverty, they tend to use themselves as reference points, and there are obvious differences in the criteria for measuring poverty. There is no obvious difference in the poverty view between the college students with non-economic difficulties and the college students with economic difficulties. However, in the eyes of the college students with non-economic difficulties, poverty, cognition, emotion and behavior are separated, and their view of poverty has the orientation of scientism, while the poverty, poverty and emotion in the heart of the college students with economic difficulties are integrated. His view of poverty tends to emphasize or even exaggerate negative emotional experience. Within the group of college students with economic difficulties, there is a distinction between positive and negative views of poverty. Among them, college students with positive poverty view can deal with poverty more effectively. The further interview analysis shows that there are two channels of internal psychological mechanism and sociocultural mechanism that affect the impact of poverty view on the college students with economic difficulties. The internal psychological mechanism mainly includes the identification of the poor, the consolidation and generalization of negative experience, and the tolerance or compensation for desire and dissatisfaction. The social and cultural mechanism follows the logic of "the concept of poverty and social interaction and the allocation of social (community) resources to the growth and development of the poor". Based on the internal and external mechanism which affects the poor people and under the realistic condition that the poverty can not be eliminated in the short term, it is a new way to establish and carry forward the humanist view of poverty, which is a new way to fight poverty and improve the living conditions of the poor people. This path highlights the responsibility and value of the public in the fight against poverty, and has enlightening significance for the research of poverty theory and the practice of anti-poverty.
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