[Abstract]:Under the current socialist market economy in China, various western trends of thought have poured in, and various cultural trends in China have become extremely active. The fusion and exchange of various cultural trends of thought, the correct or wrong guidance to people, the westernization and differentiation of western thoughts have also increased the difficulty of discriminating and analyzing people's choice and choice of correct ideology and culture. Contemporary college students are the important force of socialist modernization and the future of our country. The establishment of their correct belief plays an important role in the realization of the ultimate goal of socialism in our country. However, under this international and domestic background, the formation of Marxist world outlook, outlook on life and values of contemporary college students is influenced by various aspects, positive or negative. That is to say, the utilitarianism and belief of human beings show various conditions in this complicated situation, and many problems also appear, which seriously affect the establishment of Marxist belief of contemporary college students. This article studies the Marxist belief of contemporary college students as follows. The first part expounds the concept of belief and the concept and content of Marxist belief. Starting from the most essential meaning of belief, this paper draws a conclusion that belief plays a great role in promoting practice, thus extending the meaning and content of Marxist belief, and that Marxist belief is a scientific belief, which is of great practical value in China at present. In particular, the impact on the world outlook, outlook on life and values of contemporary college students. The second part, according to the contemporary college students' understanding of Marxist belief, belief status and value selection, statistical data, summary of the problem, Find positive factors and find problems, analyze the causes of the crisis of Marxist belief in contemporary college students; part three, strengthen the essential theoretical literacy of Marxism and put it into practice, Under the guidance of the theory and methodology of ideological and political education, this paper puts forward a reasonable way to reconstruct Marxist belief in contemporary college students from the aspects of school, society, family and individual.
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