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发布时间:2018-10-08 15:56
【摘要】:国立中央大学始肇于两江总督张之洞、刘坤一创办的三江师范学堂,先后经历了七次更名,最终于1928年4月定名,成为当时名噪一时的“首府大学”。从此,中国高等教育史上出现了一所著名的国立高等学府。抗战期间中央大学从迁渝至复员返京的八年时间里,其办学理念、院系设置、科系调整、师资队伍扩充、师生教学活动等方面都取得了丰硕成果,些办学理念和科系设置还颇具特色。本文通过对抗战时期高等教育及国立中央大学校史、南京大学校史等方面资料的挖掘和整理,试着对其入渝办学的各方面情况予以梳理和分析,并与抗战前取得的办学成效相对比,探析其在渝期间的办学特色及取得的显著成果,分析总结其对当今高校办学的借鉴意义。 论文导论部分阐述了研究的原因和研究现状,分析了现今研究取得的主要研究成果及不足之处并简要介绍了论文的研究思路和研究方法。通过分析本文写作的重难点问题,深入挖掘国立中央大学在渝期间的办学特色。 论文正文第一部分是以历史发展过程为主要线索,从内、外两个因素来分析梳理国立中央大学西迁的背景,并从三个方面简要叙述了西迁的整个过程。 论文正文第二部分是重点、难点部分。主要集中描写抗战期间国立中央大学在渝的办学情况主要从以下三个方面进行剖析:(一)抗战时期国立中央大学的办学理念(二)抗战时期国立中央大学的学科建设(三)抗战时期国立中央大学的课程教学与师生活动,并通过抗战前后的比较突出抗战时期该校取得的办学成效和特点。 论文正文第二部分是本文的写作目的凸显,也是全文的写作总结和评价。该部分主要是在第二部分分析评价战时国立中央大学办学成效和特点的基础上,总结出几点对当今高等教育发展具有影响的启示。
[Abstract]:The Sanjiang normal School, which was founded by Zhang Zhidong and Liu Kunyi, the governor of Liangjiang, was established by the National Central University in April 1928 after seven times of change of name, and became the "Capital University" at that time. Since then, the history of higher education in China has emerged a famous national institutions of higher learning. During the eight years since the Central University moved to Chongqing and returned to Beijing during the War of Resistance against Japan, it has achieved fruitful results in such aspects as the idea of running a school, the setting up of departments and departments, the adjustment of departments and departments, the expansion of the teaching staff, and the teaching activities of teachers and students. The idea of running a school and setting up a department are also quite characteristic. This paper tries to sort out and analyze the various aspects of higher education and the history of National Central University, Nanjing University, and so on during the War of Resistance against Japan, and tries to sort out and analyze the various aspects of its entry into Chongqing. Compared with the results of running schools before the War of Resistance against Japan, this paper probes into the characteristics of running schools in Chongqing and their remarkable achievements, and analyzes and sums up the significance of their reference to the running of colleges and universities today. In the introduction part, the reasons and present situation of the research are described, the main research achievements and shortcomings are analyzed, and the research ideas and methods are briefly introduced. By analyzing the important and difficult problems in this paper, the characteristics of National Central University in Chongqing are deeply explored. The first part of the paper is the historical development process as the main clue, from the internal and external two factors to analyze the national central university westward migration background, and from three aspects of a brief description of the whole process of westward migration. The second part of the paper is the key and difficult part. It mainly focuses on describing the running situation of National Central University in Chongqing during the War of Resistance against Japan from the following three aspects: (1) the concept of running a school of the National Central University during the War of Resistance against Japan (2) the study of National Central University during the War of Resistance against Japan (3) Curriculum teaching and teacher-student activities in the National Central University during the War of Resistance against Japan, And through the comparison before and after the War of Resistance against Japan, the school made great achievements and characteristics. The second part of the thesis is the purpose of this paper, and also the summary and evaluation of the full text. This part is mainly based on the second part of the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness and characteristics of the National Central University in wartime, summed up a few points of influence on the development of higher education today.


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