[Abstract]:General education is not only a theoretical problem, but also a practical problem. In the middle of 1990s, universities in our country carried out cultural quality education. More attention should be paid to the all-round development of students' personality, the cultivation of innovation and practical ability and the sustainable development for life. And on this basis, the general education began the practice of exploration. However, the concept of general education sounds very attractive, but it is difficult to construct and implement the general education curriculum. After more than a decade of practice, we have found that general education courses practiced or being conducted in the past did not achieve the intended purpose. To re-examine the concept and management of general education courses in colleges and universities in China, and to learn from the advanced experience of foreign colleges and universities, will make the general education courses in our country walk out of the predicament and move towards rationality and science. This article takes the systematic analysis method as the main line, uses the literature analysis, the history research, the theory argument, the case comparison and so on, takes the higher education undergraduate stage general education curriculum as the research object. Taking the theory and practice of general education as the research content, this paper mainly discusses the concept and theoretical origin of general education and general education, and the main models of general education in colleges and universities. The difficulties encountered in the course construction of general education in colleges and universities in China are discussed. Finally, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the construction of general education curriculum are put forward. This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction: it mainly describes the origin, significance, content, object and method of this research, as well as the definition of general education, general education curriculum and other concepts; The second chapter introduces the theory of general education and general education: it mainly introduces the theories related to general education and general education, and introduces the theories of free education, humanism education, all-round development education and so on. The third chapter is the analysis of the model of the general education curriculum in university. It introduces the four types of general education curriculum, which are the core curriculum, the classical masterpiece curriculum, and so on. Chapter four: the difficulties of College General Education Curriculum: analysis of the problems encountered in the Construction of General Education Curriculum in Colleges and Universities, such as the unclear orientation of General Education, General elective courses are difficult to achieve the goal of general education, informal general education courses are difficult to play a role. The fifth chapter is about the construction of the general education curriculum in universities: this chapter puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to the construction and development of the general education curriculum in view of the dilemma of the general education curriculum put forward in the fourth chapter. Including reflection on the concept of general education, perfecting the contents of general education courses, setting up special organization of general education courses, strengthening the improvement of teaching methods, Lay stress on the construction of informal courses and the development of general education curriculum system suitable for each school itself.
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