[Abstract]:The work of ideological and political education in colleges and universities undertakes the task of cultivating qualified builders and reliable successors for the cause of socialism. As the main channel and main position of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, the theoretical course of ideological and political education and the daily ideological and political work need to combine organically, communicate and cooperate, and constantly promote the ideological and political education work to a new level. At the same time, the ideological and political theory course and the daily ideological and political work have the identity of the professional goal, the similarity of the quality requirements and the complementarity of the working methods, and have the basic conditions to realize the combination. On the basis of studying the relevant literature at home and abroad and combining the author's practical work experience and working perception, this paper mainly demonstrates the combination of the ideological and political theory course and the daily ideological and political work in colleges and universities from the theoretical basis and the practical need. In this paper, the combination of ideological and political theory and daily ideological and political work is divided into the ideological and political theory of teachers, counselors of the two educational teams with ideological and political theory and group activities, employment guidance. The combination of mental health education and other specific education work is discussed, and Weibo, a new network tool, is put forward as a new platform for promoting the combination of ideological and political education team and the combination of ideological and political theory courses with concrete education work. The paper has achieved the unification of theory and reality, the unity of classification and synthesis, the unity of horizontal and vertical, which has certain reference value and reference significance for strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students.
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