[Abstract]:International students face certain challenges in the countries where they study abroad. These challenges can be defined as stress, which, according to Kelly and Evans (2004), was regarded as a complex disease of individual and environmental dynamics. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the pressure, adaptability and countermeasures of overseas students in Northeast China by using qualitative and quantitative research. A total of 254 foreign students were randomly selected from two universities in Changchun. Seven questions were tested and seven hypotheses were established. Univariate and bivariate statistical methods are used to analyze the data. The study found that weather (94%), language disorders (87%) and food choices (60%) were the main stress factors for foreign students, while the most effective solutions were to call family (86%) and visit friends (80%). Listening to music (79%) and surfing the Internet (72%). In addition, the study found that although weather is the biggest stress factor, it has no effect on the social adaptation of foreign students (X 21.10, p 0.05). In addition, the origin of the students and the official language have a significant impact on the proficiency of Chinese (X 2: 6.87, P0.05), Korean has the greatest impact on the proficiency of Chinese. One year's Chinese study had significant influence on the level of cultural adaptation of foreign students (X _ 2 ~ 2 ~ (2), P ~ (0.05), while the duration of living in China had a significant effect on the proficiency of Chinese (F _ (5.473), P _ (0.05). However, the length of time spent in China had no significant effect on their adaptation (FV 2.099, P 0.05). Age, sex and marital status had the highest correlation with international students' social adaptation (r = 0.16). The marital status of foreign students has significant influence on social adaptation (P0.05). Unmarried students need to adapt to a higher degree than married students, and married students adapt well to social life in China. Extracurricular activities, sports activities, social interaction and social adaptation to local communities are positively related. Compared with other factors, language proficiency plays an important role in the social and cultural adaptation of foreign students. International students from different continents, representing different cultural backgrounds, adapt to different stress conditions.
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