[Abstract]:Physical Education Master has gone through nearly 6 years, 6 years of training process has a lot of graduates to go to society, to their own jobs. The employment competitiveness of the master of physical education means that the master of physical education has its own unique side in the application for the academic master of sports, and has its own professional characteristics, so that it does not put itself at a disadvantage in the application for the post. The master's graduate students are the first level education after the undergraduate course, are the senior specialized talents trained by the country, and will be an important force in implementing the strategic policy of "rejuvenating the country through science and education". They will become the pillars and leaders of various industries in China's social and economic development in the 21st century. Their employment is not only related to the development of their own future career. And affect the country to make full use of talent resources long-term planning and overall deployment [1]. The postgraduates majoring in physical education are one of the components of many graduate students, and the master's degree of sports majors is an important part of the graduate students in sports science. Their employment is related to the direction of national sports master's training and the implementation of policies. There are a variety of articles on the employment of postgraduates, but there are very few documents concerning the employment of masters in physical education. As a graduate student majoring in physical education, he is faced with a special period of life when he leaves school and goes to the society. It is necessary for us to pay attention to the problem of employment, especially in the recent years after the establishment of the Master of physical Education. It is very necessary to discuss and analyze the employment problem of the Master of physical Education, which is also the practical value of this major.
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