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发布时间:2018-11-18 06:37
【摘要】:《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要》指出要“提高教师应用信息技术水平,更新教学观念,改进教学方法,提高教学效果。”进入21世纪以来,随着媒介技术的发展,媒介信息已经成为社会不可或缺的要素,与其相关的媒介素养成为社会成员必备的基本素养,对高等教育的发展影响至深,而如何将其有效运用于高校学生管理则显得极其必要。媒介是信息的载体,高校学生管理者作为高校学生管理活动的重要组成,其媒介素养直接影响高校学生管理工作中信息的质量与流通效果。所以,高校学生管理者的媒介素养,会通过影响信息的质量和流通效果对高校学生管理效果造成影响。 本研究旨在探究高校管理者的媒介素养对学生管理效果的影响。在文献综述的基础上,对媒介素养与学生管理效果进行理论分析、并构建分析模型,再根据理论依据和分析模型编制访谈提纲及调查问卷,而后进行实证调查统计、分析调研数据,并对问卷的统计数据进行量化,通过量的研究验证研究假设,进而探究高校管理者的媒介素养与其管理效果的具体相关关系。运用因素分析厘清媒介素养对高校学生管理效果的具体影响,得出本文的研究结论,并根据研究结论提出相关的基本对策。 研究结论认为:高校学生管理者的媒介素养与其学生管理效果具备较高的一致性,计算机水平不同的管理者在媒介素养上存在显著差异;各类高校管理岗位对于媒介应用需求有各自特征;高校管理者的媒介素养各个子维度与管理效果各个子维度之间存在不同的相关特征。依据研究结论应提出:高校管理者的入职选拔与在职培训应重视媒介素养因素;高校学生管理工作应重视媒介信息系统的建构等建议。
[Abstract]:The outline of the National medium and long term Education Reform and Development Program points out that the teachers should "improve the level of applying information technology, renew the teaching concept, improve the teaching method and improve the teaching effect". Since the 21st century, with the development of media technology, media information has become an indispensable element of society. Media literacy related to media literacy has become the essential basic literacy of social members, which has a profound impact on the development of higher education. How to effectively apply it to the management of college students is extremely necessary. Media is the carrier of information. As an important component of college student management activities, the media literacy directly affects the quality and circulation of information in the management of college students. Therefore, the media literacy of college student managers will affect the management effect of college students through influencing the quality of information and the effect of circulation. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of media literacy on student management. On the basis of literature review, this paper makes a theoretical analysis of media literacy and student management effect, and constructs an analytical model, then compiles an interview outline and a questionnaire according to the theoretical basis and analysis model, and then carries on empirical investigation and statistics. This paper analyzes the investigation data, quantifies the statistical data of the questionnaire, and verifies the research hypotheses through the research, and then probes into the specific correlation between the media literacy of university administrators and their management effect. Using factor analysis to clarify the specific impact of media literacy on the management of college students, draw the conclusions of this paper, and put forward the relevant basic countermeasures according to the research conclusions. The conclusions are as follows: the media literacy of college student managers is consistent with their student management effects, and the media literacy of managers with different computer level is significantly different; All kinds of university management posts have their own characteristics for the media application requirements; the media literacy of university administrators has different related characteristics between each sub-dimension and the management effect of each sub-dimension. Based on the conclusion of the research, the author suggests that the factors of media literacy should be paid attention to in the selection and on-the-job training of university administrators, and the construction of media information system should be emphasized in the management of college students.


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