[Abstract]:The development of moral education in colleges and universities is an important subject that can not be avoided in Chinese education nowadays. At present, moral education in colleges and universities in our country is facing great challenges under the condition of globalization. Strengthening the research on moral education in colleges and universities at this time is conducive to the construction and reform of the theory of moral education in colleges and universities theoretically. In practice, it is helpful to improve the ideological and moral quality of college students and to further improve the moral education in colleges and universities in China. Based on the deep analysis of the basic theory of globalization and the characteristics of the times, this paper first discusses and explains the predicament encountered by moral education in colleges and universities in China, such as the status of moral education is not worthy of its name, the way of moral education, the method of moral education, the effect of which is not ideal. The contents of moral education still need to be perfected, and the moral education team can not adapt to the requirements of the new situation. Secondly, from the perspective of the background of globalization, from the tremendous impact of globalization on the ideological and cultural field of our country, the external environment of moral education in colleges and universities is confronted with severe challenges. This paper analyzes the causes of the predicament from the negative influence on the ideology and morality of college students. Finally, the author explores the ways of moral education in colleges and universities in China under the circumstances of various difficulties and challenges. To get out of the dilemma of moral education in colleges and universities, we need to grasp the following points: first of all, seeking the way out of moral education in colleges and universities cannot leave the background of the times of globalization, on the contrary, it should be taken as the premise. Since globalization has brought a new cognitive perspective and certain favorable conditions to moral education in colleges and universities, moral education in colleges and universities can make full use of these positive factors. Secondly, it emphasizes the integration of socialist core value system into moral education in colleges and universities, and makes it play its due role. The guiding ideology of Marxism, the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the times spirit with reform and innovation as the core, the socialist concept of honor and disgrace is of great significance to the construction of moral education in colleges and universities. Thirdly, moral education in colleges and universities must return to life in order to get out of the pressure and predicament brought by globalization. Moral education needs to return to life and return to the real world rather than the abstract indoctrination in theory. Finally, the improvement of moral education in colleges and universities must begin with the improvement of concrete ways and methods, and explore the ways and means to solve the practical problems.
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