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发布时间:2018-11-29 10:00
【摘要】:随着我国高等教育发展开始由规模效益转向以提升质量为主的内涵式发展模式,学生发展质量的高低就日益成为社会各界关注的焦点。但是由于近年来高等教育大众化政策的推行,大学新生入学率剧增,大学生的综合素质开始呈现出良莠不齐的状态,其发展质量也出现了诸多问题,尤其体现在与大学生发展质量相关性甚大的学习行为上。根据国内研究者的调查,发现大学生学习活动的越轨行为的发生率呈上升趋势,性质日益严重,形式也越来越多,,并呈现出一些新的特点。因此,必须对大学生学习活动的越轨行为予以重视。 本文首先结合相关文献,对相关概念予以了界定,并对解释越轨行为产生的社会学理论、越轨行为的特征以及大学生越轨行为的本质进行了研究与总结。基于此,笔者随即进行了访谈调查,根据调查结果将常见的有关大学生学习的越轨行为进行了归纳与分类,同时还对越轨行为出现的原因进行了总结,据此设计出了《大学生学习活动的行为规范现状调查问卷》。根据对浙江省4所大学的800名大学本科生的问卷调查结果,分析、归纳了大学生学习活动的越轨行为的特点;进而结合相关社会学理论,从大学生自身、教师、学校和社会这四个方面剖析了大学生学习活动的越轨行为出现的原因;最后,提出了预防与控制大学生学习活动的越轨行为的可行性对策。
[Abstract]:With the development of higher education in our country beginning to change from the scale benefit to the implicit development mode of improving the quality, the quality of students' development has become the focus of attention from all walks of life. However, due to the implementation of the policy of popularization of higher education in recent years, the enrollment rate of freshmen has increased dramatically, and the comprehensive quality of college students has begun to show a state of mixed good and bad, and the quality of their development has also appeared many problems. Especially in the development of college students in the quality of great relevance to learning behavior. According to the investigation of domestic researchers, it is found that the incidence of deviant behavior of college students is on the rise, the nature is becoming more and more serious, and the forms are more and more, and show some new characteristics. Therefore, we must attach importance to the deviant behavior of college students' learning activities. In this paper, the author defines the relevant concepts by combining the relevant literature, and studies and summarizes the sociological theory, the characteristics of deviant behavior and the nature of college students' deviant behavior. Based on this, the author immediately conducted an interview investigation, according to the results of the investigation on the common learning of college students to sum up and classification of deviant behavior, but also on the causes of deviant behavior are summarized. Based on this, the questionnaire on the status quo of behavior norms of College students' Learning activities was designed. Based on the questionnaire survey of 800 undergraduates in 4 universities in Zhejiang province, the characteristics of deviant behavior in learning activities of college students are summarized. Then combined with the relevant sociological theory, from the students themselves, teachers, schools and society to analyze the causes of deviant behavior of college students' learning activities; Finally, the paper puts forward the feasible countermeasures to prevent and control the deviant behavior of college students.


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