发布时间:2018-12-16 14:21
【摘要】:就业是每一个大学生面临的共同课题,从一定意义上讲,大学生能否顺利就业,不但影响其专业知识的发挥乃至日后事业基础的奠定,同时也是大学生追求经济独立、实现自我价值和社会价值的主要途径。进入新世纪以来,我国的高等教育逐渐由“精英教育”向“大众教育”转变,大学毕业生的就业也从国家“统包统分”转变为“双向选择,自主择业”。随着高校数量的不断增长和大范围的扩招,全国普通高校毕业生人数急剧增长。面对严峻的就业形势,大学生不可避免地会遇到各种外在障碍和内在的心理问题。如何正确认识自己、怎样做好就业心理准备、如何选择职业、如何调适在就业过程中的各种心理问题,不仅影响大学生将来的职业定位和职业生涯的发展,而且会影响他们的心理健康状态。因此,研究大学生就业心理及对其就业过程中产生的心理障碍进行调适,具有重要的现实意义。 本文通过对大学生就业心理状况调查的基础上,借鉴当今学者的研究成果而展开,全文共分为四个部分:第一部分为当代大学生就业心理及调适前言。在这一部分中,对就业心理、大学生就业心理的涵义等相关问题做了界定,分析了当代大学生就业心理的特点,阐述了选题依据、研究意义、国内外研究现状及研究方法。第二部分为大学生就业心理的现状调查及分析。在这一部分内容中,笔者采用自编问卷的调查方式,从大学生的就业认知状况、就业准备情况、就业价值观、就业动机以及就业实现途径等方面进行了调查,,并对数据进行了分析处理,指出了当代大学生在就业过程中所面临的各种心理障碍并分别予以阐述。第三部分为当代大学生就业心理障碍的原因分析。这一部分主要是从社会、高校、家庭以及大学生自身发展的特点等方面出发,分析了大学生产生各种就业心理障碍的原因。第四部分为当代大学生就业心理障碍调适的路径及对策研究。在这一部分中,分别从转变政府职能、高校就业机制改革、家庭教育及大学生自我调适等方面对当今大学生就业心理障碍调适的路径与对策进行了较为深入的探索。 本文期望通过对大学生就业心理问题的理论研究和实践探索,能够为我国更好地推进高等教育改革,做好大学生就业指导和心理咨询工作,从而使大学生以一种积极、健康的心态投入到社会主义现代化建设中贡献自己的一份力量。
[Abstract]:Employment is a common task for every college student. In a certain sense, the success of employment not only affects the exertion of their professional knowledge and the foundation of their career in the future, but also the pursuit of economic independence for college students. The main way to realize self-worth and social value. Since entering the new century, the higher education of our country has gradually changed from "elite education" to "mass education", and the employment of university graduates has also changed from the national "turnkey distribution" to "two-way choice and independent choice of employment". With the continuous growth of the number of colleges and universities and a wide range of enrollment expansion, the number of ordinary college graduates in China has increased sharply. In the face of severe employment situation, college students will inevitably encounter various external obstacles and internal psychological problems. How to understand oneself correctly, how to prepare for employment psychology, how to choose occupation, how to adjust all kinds of psychological problems in the process of employment, not only affect the future career orientation and career development of college students. It also affects their mental health. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the employment psychology of college students and to adjust their psychological barriers in the process of employment. Based on the investigation of college students' employment psychology and using the research results of present scholars for reference, this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the employment psychology and adjustment preface of contemporary college students. In this part, the author defines the employment psychology and the meaning of the college students' employment psychology, analyzes the characteristics of the contemporary college students' employment psychology, and expounds the basis of the topic, the significance of the research, the current research situation and the research methods at home and abroad. The second part is the investigation and analysis of college students'employment psychology. In this part, the author makes a survey from the aspects of college students' employment cognition, employment preparation, employment values, employment motivation and the way to achieve employment. This paper analyzes and deals with the data and points out the psychological obstacles faced by contemporary college students in the process of employment. The third part is the cause analysis of the psychological obstacle of employment of contemporary college students. This part is mainly from the social, college, family and the characteristics of the development of college students and other aspects, analyzes the causes of various psychological barriers to employment of college students. The fourth part is the path and countermeasures of the adjustment of college students'psychological barriers to employment. In this part, from the transformation of government functions, the reform of employment mechanism in colleges and universities, the family education and self-adjustment of college students, the path and countermeasures of the adjustment of psychological barriers to employment of college students are explored in the following aspects: the transformation of government functions, the reform of employment mechanism in colleges and universities, and the self-adjustment of college students. This paper hopes that through the theoretical research and practical exploration of the psychological problems of college students' employment, it can better promote the reform of higher education, do a good job of employment guidance and psychological counseling for college students, and thus make the college students take a positive attitude. A healthy state of mind put into the socialist modernization drive to contribute their own strength.
[Abstract]:Employment is a common task for every college student. In a certain sense, the success of employment not only affects the exertion of their professional knowledge and the foundation of their career in the future, but also the pursuit of economic independence for college students. The main way to realize self-worth and social value. Since entering the new century, the higher education of our country has gradually changed from "elite education" to "mass education", and the employment of university graduates has also changed from the national "turnkey distribution" to "two-way choice and independent choice of employment". With the continuous growth of the number of colleges and universities and a wide range of enrollment expansion, the number of ordinary college graduates in China has increased sharply. In the face of severe employment situation, college students will inevitably encounter various external obstacles and internal psychological problems. How to understand oneself correctly, how to prepare for employment psychology, how to choose occupation, how to adjust all kinds of psychological problems in the process of employment, not only affect the future career orientation and career development of college students. It also affects their mental health. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the employment psychology of college students and to adjust their psychological barriers in the process of employment. Based on the investigation of college students' employment psychology and using the research results of present scholars for reference, this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the employment psychology and adjustment preface of contemporary college students. In this part, the author defines the employment psychology and the meaning of the college students' employment psychology, analyzes the characteristics of the contemporary college students' employment psychology, and expounds the basis of the topic, the significance of the research, the current research situation and the research methods at home and abroad. The second part is the investigation and analysis of college students'employment psychology. In this part, the author makes a survey from the aspects of college students' employment cognition, employment preparation, employment values, employment motivation and the way to achieve employment. This paper analyzes and deals with the data and points out the psychological obstacles faced by contemporary college students in the process of employment. The third part is the cause analysis of the psychological obstacle of employment of contemporary college students. This part is mainly from the social, college, family and the characteristics of the development of college students and other aspects, analyzes the causes of various psychological barriers to employment of college students. The fourth part is the path and countermeasures of the adjustment of college students'psychological barriers to employment. In this part, from the transformation of government functions, the reform of employment mechanism in colleges and universities, the family education and self-adjustment of college students, the path and countermeasures of the adjustment of psychological barriers to employment of college students are explored in the following aspects: the transformation of government functions, the reform of employment mechanism in colleges and universities, and the self-adjustment of college students. This paper hopes that through the theoretical research and practical exploration of the psychological problems of college students' employment, it can better promote the reform of higher education, do a good job of employment guidance and psychological counseling for college students, and thus make the college students take a positive attitude. A healthy state of mind put into the socialist modernization drive to contribute their own strength.
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1 柳志艳;心理障碍青少年问题的社会工作实务研究[D];苏州大学;2013年