[Abstract]:With the further development of theoretical research on ideological and political education in colleges and universities, in the face of the new economic and political situation, especially in the new practice of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, the academic community needs to be in a new level. Under the new situation, the theory and practice of ideological and political education in colleges and universities are comprehensively examined. In the face of the new situation, the ideological and political education in colleges and universities should have a new development, adapt to the new requirements of the times, give full play to the important role of the "lifeline", and create a new situation in the ideological and political education work in colleges and universities. The task in front of ideological and political educators in colleges and universities is extremely arduous. System science is a newly developed comprehensive and crosscutting science. In its development process of less than one hundred years, it has developed into a huge knowledge system, from "the old three theories" to "the new three theories", and constantly intersects with other disciplines. Systems science can provide new perspectives and methods for the development of other disciplines. These achievements include the intersecting research results of systematic science and ideological and political education. This paper attempts to make a comprehensive systematic scientific interpretation of the relevant theoretical problems of ideological and political education in colleges and universities by using the theory of elements of system science, structure-function theory, management theory and environmental theory, and looks forward to this interpretation. It is expected that this paper can provide some ideas and lessons for the theoretical research of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and promote the development of the practice of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.
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